Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen.

I have been sitting in this ruined shack for an hour now, and my thoughts are only just becoming coherent.

War surges onward, the sound of gunshots and broken cries fill my ears as smoke begins to billow from the distance. I am not sure if it is Clary's doing or just the explosions of vehicles forming together. Screams echo in the distance, mingling with defiant shouts of fury and terrified pleas. It weighs heavily on my heart to realize that only a small few had predicted or knew of this incoming battle.

My head continues to throb, however it has dulled to a faint nuisance along with the tingling in my body. My eyes no longer burn, but the smoke and falling ash and debris make it hard to keep my vision clear. My cheeks are flushed red from the heat, and there is a slight layer of sweat beginning to cover my skin and form at the back of my neck.

I lift myself off of the bench and crouch beside where the door to the shack. should be. It had been completely ripped off, leaving a gaping hole to act as the entrance and exit. I peer out of the hole and look at my surroundings, searching for any sign of hostile presence. I see no one, and I cannot feel any human currents nearby, so I step out into the open.

Every building, house and store in sight is demolished; destroyed by the missiles or the infiltration of soldiers. The dusty air is making it increasingly difficult to scope out anyone further out, but I see none. The main battle must be taking place near the Capital building - where the Ladon War had taken place.

That is the direction I set off to, searching the skies as well for any enemy airships or passing Dragons. However this time - they are not the enemies. This time - instead of trying to claim world dominance for themselves - they are trying to save the supernaturals as a whole.

That is - at least - what Kaius had told me. I believe him. I trust him now. After spending so much time with him, observing his habits, his personality; he is trustworthy. He is not a monster. He doesn't want to be.

After spending a lifetime of loathing and fearing these supernaturals beasts, I have come to realize that not every Dragon is a terrible beast. Like Kaius; some only want to be accepted.

I do not know where Kaius is, however I expect him to be in the very center of the battlefield, fighting for his rights as a fellow Cyeian. He is in Dragon form now, I know that for certain. I wonder what his other form looks like. I used to view Dragons as horrendous, ugly beings who inflicted fear with a simple glance. Now, with my conflicted feelings towards Kaius, I am not sure what to expect.

I don't run towards the battlefield. I take my time, slowly regaining the energy I had lost from my last heat spell and letting my mind wrap around the realization that I will have to kill more people. In order to survive this war, I must attack my enemies and succeed.

And after I think this - my eyes land upon a terrifyingly familiar figure. I can sense his current before I can see his face, which is contorted in confusion and pain.

"Vesiss?" his voice reassures me that he is not being mind controlled this time.

"What are you doing here, Wylden?" I ask, keeping my distance from him. I cannot decide whether or not he is on my side.

"I was trying to find you when all of this," he gestures to our surroundings, "happened." He takes a step towards me, only to stop when I tense up in defense. "I am not here to kill you," he says.

I stand straight, "you are lying to me." I almost laugh at the incredulous expression that appears on his face. "Do you expect me to believe you after you tried to hunt me down and then sell me?" I shake my head, "I don't know what to think of you anymore, Wylden."

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