Chapter Eight

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Thanks guys for being patient, my exams are over! :) The only issue is that I have summer school starting in two days so again, I'll be sticking to uploading every SUNDAY.

I'm not very sure about the ending to this chapter. It took me a long time to write it... I don't know, I just wasn't feeling it. I might take it out, I might not, but for now I'll leave it. Thanks for reading :D

Chapter Eight.

"You are insane," I say simply.

"You think that now, but I have not told you my reason," Kaius tells me.

I laugh and shake my head, "there is no plausible reason for starting another Ladon War. Do you not remember what happened when the Dragons tried to take over? I lost my parents because of you! Not only that, but you caused the extermination of the supernaturals!"

I notice his hands clenching at my words. "What happened then was a tragedy. This is different - this is the supernaturals taking back what is rightfully ours," he argues.

"Are you not thinking properly? There are so much fewer supernaturals then there were before the Ladon War. If we lost then, do you honestly believe we will win now, with only so many of us to fight?" I lean forward, frustration beginning to fill me.

He mimics my movement and places his clenched hands in his lap. “There are more surviving supernaturals than you think. Not only that, but they have become stronger.”

I press two fingers against my forehead and close my eyes. “I don’t understand how you can want to kill more people,” I mutter.

Suddenly, he’s kneeling in front of me with angered eyes. He places his right hand on my left shoulder, and I can feel how tense he is. “I don’t want to kill more people; I want to bring back peace amongst everyone! Do you not see? Nexus is brainwashing them, making them think that we are monsters when it is he who creates this division between us! What we must do is destroy him,” he speaks, his deep voice rough and forceful.

It is then that it dawns on me, “that is why you want me to kill him. That’s why you’ve been with me this entire time, isn’t it?” I push him back and stand up. “You have been using me; trying to get me to go along with your plan,” I mutter.

He stands as well, shaking his head fiercely. “That’s not it!” he shouts. “Do you not agree with me? Are you not tired of living in hiding?” He grabs my shoulders, “I want you to fight alongside me, Vesiss. You are so much more powerful than you realize.”

I grip his hands and pull them off of my shoulders. “I can’t…”

“Yes, you can,” he says, grasping my hands. “If we kill Nexus, we can replace him with a new leader – one who will bring peace between the humans and supernaturals. I am tired of hiding what I am, I am tired of constantly being looked at as though I am a monster,” he tells me.

I look down at our clasped hands. “I will go to Capital Seven with you,” I begin. He looks at me with uncertain eyes, as if he cannot predict what I’m about to say. “And once I am there… we will go our separate ways and I will live on my own.”

He lets go of me and takes a step back. “You can’t mean that,” he says in disbelief.

I nod, “I do.”

“Alright,” he says. “I will do it without you,” his words startle me. He will let this go so easily? I can’t imagine that to be possible. “But I cannot guarantee your safety when the war begins.”

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