Chapter Four

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Chapter Four.

The Show gates are towering. After idling in line for thirty minutes, we have finally approached the massive iron gates that separate everyone from the beauty beyond. Past the enormous stretch of the parking lot, I can see the outline of the building, and the pillar that seems to reach past the clouds.

The strip underneath the waiting cars move automatically, hauling everyone forward near the speed of light as we pass the check that examines whether we are cleared to move on or if we hold dangerous weapons. Fortunately, it only checks for weapons.

When we are pulled past the gates, the strip moves us into a parking space that is near the middle of the lot. The walk to the building is thankfully only a fifteen minute walk.

We reach the doors, and Kaius pushes them open, revealing the vastness that awaits us. It is a ballroom, with a dancing floor the size of two fields and crowds of people moving happily on it. Kaius steps in front of me with a hand stretched towards me, "would you care to dance with me?" he offers me a wicked smile.

I return it and place my hand in his, letting him lead me to the middle of the floor where we would be easily concealed by the masses of other dancers. He places his arm around my waist as I rest my hand on his shoulder, our other hands interlocked, and then we take off.

"This food is amazing," I say as I gather more pasta onto my fork.

After hours upon hours of dancing, we finally decided to settle into an open table and order dinner. I don't remember the food being this delicious, though.

He chuckles, "of course it is. Capital Five is one of the most looked upon; they need to live up to everyone's expectations."

I nod, staying silent in order to take another forkful of pasta. He had ordered a steak, finishing that one quickly before ordering another one - all before I had finished my pasta. He is currently on his third one.

"How can you eat so much?" I ask.

"We need to stay sated," he answers simply, referring to his kind. "If not, our tempers become apparent."


I finish my dinner, taking a swig of water before setting down the glass with a full smile. Kaius finishes his as well and then leans back in his cloth covered chair. "The Show will be starting soon," he says.

"Let's not waste time, then," I say as I stand up.

We head through the back doors and into the massive garden that awaits us. There is already a large crowd circled around the center of the garden, where a steel ring keeps everyone at bay. We join the circle and wait until Kaius finally says that the Show should be starting in a few seconds.

Upon his words, the boxes inside the ring begin to light, each one sparking until the first firework shoots into the sky. It pops and fizzles, and then the Capital Show begins.

Everyone's breath is taken away at the sight of the beautiful fireworks, creating a stunning display of colour that can only be put together by the creators of a Show. They fizzle before they touch the ground, always staying within the boundaries of the ring.

I can imagine it. I can imagine my mother and father standing beside me, her arm hugging me around the waist and his hand squeezing my shoulder as we watch in awe. Then I look to my right, and I see a curly haired man with vibrant blue eyes.

He looks down at me and smiles. I smile back, "it's even more beautiful than the one back home," I tell him.

Kaius nods, "you should see the Capital One Show; it is breathtaking."

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