Chapter One

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The picture in the side is Vesiss. Just imagine her with silver eyes ;)

Chapter One.

"One ticket to Capital Five, please," I tell the man. His uniform cap is pulled tightly over his head, concealing his eyes as he looks down to his computer.

He types quickly, then looks at me with a smile. "Twenty sephia," he says. I hand him the small, crystal discs. "Thank you, here is your ticket," he hands me the slip, which I take gratefully. "The train will arrive in ten minutes."

"Thank you," I tell him and turn to stand in line with the others boarding for Capital Five. Thankfully, there is no one here that will recognize me.

My eyes water slightly from the coloured contacts. I had hastily put them in when I started hearing banging on my front door; I must have put the left contact on backwards. Subtly, I look around and search for anyone I know. I had jumped out my bedroom window once they rammed down the door, so I am hoping no one had seen me run here.

Soon, the train pulls to a stop in front of us and everyone boards. I heave a sigh of relief as I hand over my ticket and slump into my seat. I will be free soon.

"Mind if I sit here?" a terrifyingly familiar voice asks from above me.

I stand quickly, only to be pushed back down. My best friend. My ex best friend. Of course he would know I would come here. "Why are you doing this?" I whisper, unable to look at him.

Wylden chuckles, "I am doing this because you betrayed me. You lied to me. You also forgot to mention that you're one of those freaks."

"I never told anyone because I knew this is how you would all react. I never did anything to you! You're my best friend!" I exclaim, barely managing to keep my voice hushed.

"Not anymore. I can't believe I never noticed - it's so obvious!" his laugh lacks humour. "I'm going to kill you. Once we get off this train, I am going to kill you," he vows.

I shake my head furiously, "I can't let you do that, Wylden. I care about you and I don't want to hurt you. Just let me be!"

A lock of brown hair falls onto his face as he looks at his hands. When he lifts his head to look at me, there's a smirk on his lips. "Do you honestly think you can escape from this? We have all but exterminated your kind, and those who kill any remaining are rewarded. You of all people should know how much I need that money. You're a freak, Vesiss; it's only nature for me to kill you."

"I don't understand how you can go through with this," I mutter. If he tries to kill me, I will have to fight back. It's in my blood - I will instinctively kill him if he tries to.

Knowing Wylden, he most definitely will.

The train stops, and everyone begins to get off. Wylden's smile is nasty as he pulls me to my to feet roughly, but subtly enough to seem casual. He pulls me off the train and out the station before pushing me into an alleyway.

He produces a knife, examining it slowly. I remember it; he had received that knife from his father on his sixteenth birthday. Ever since then, he had always wanted to hunt with it.

Who would've thought the first time he'd use it is to hunt me.

He steps closer, and I give him an exasperated look. "Stop this," I tell him.

He stays silent, just continues stalking towards me with a determined look on his face. His eyes are conflicted, and his nasty expression is wavering the closer he gets.

"You don't want to do this," I tell him, which is true; we were best friends. How can someone kill a person they grew up with?

"I have to," he forces out, just five steps away.

I sigh. I will disarm him and then knock him unconscious. I will not kill him, no matter how idiotic he's being.

He's close enough now, and I as I prepare myself to launch at him, I hear a shout from behind him. Before I can look over his shoulder to see the source of the yell, Wylden is tackled to the ground. He doesn't make a sound - he's unconscious.

The man who tackled him stands, taking Wylden's knife with him. "Are you alright?" he asks, turning to look at me with bright blue eyes.


My breath stops. "Yes," I manage to whisper, all thought erased from my mind, shock overwhelming my body.

He is a Dragon.

"Good," he says, looking at Wylden who lays unconscious. "I hoped I wasn't too late."

I only nod, because that's all I am able to do. How can this be? All Dragons were gone. Exterminated. Erased. They no longer walked in this world.

He is a Dragon.

"Are you sure you're alright?" he asks again with a worried expression.

I nod, finally regaining my composure. "Yes - yes I'm fine. I'm great. Thank you. I have to go now." I hastily move around him and begin hurrying down the alleyway.

"Wait!" before I can blink, he is beside me and pulling me to a stop. "Take off your contacts."

My throat constricts uncomfortably from nervousness. "I'm not wearing contacts," I tell him, forcing my voice to sound firm.

His lips set into a line, "take them off."

I push him away. I shouldn't have hoped. Dragons smell everything. They know everything, see everything - they are the reason for why the humans have nearly killed every supernatural. They are the ones who brought their own deaths.

And yet he stands before me. Alive.

I take them off and flick them off my fingers, watching as they fall to the ground. "Look at me," he demands. So the story is true; they're all bossy.

I do as he says and wait for his reaction. My eyes are what gives away my secret, they tell the world that I am a supernatural and I am unwanted in this world.

"I have never seen silver eyes before," he murmurs, staring as though I am a god. "I thought your kind was completely killed off."

"I thought Dragons were too," I mutter in reply.

He laughs, "Then we are perfectly matched," he smiles.

Of course not. He can kill me with one strike. The odds are unfortunately in his favour, which is why I must get out of here as fast as possible.

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