Adopted by 1D

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Lillian's Pov

  I'm sitting in my room reading a book, when I hear the doorbell ring. My parents are home so I think nothing of it and continue reading. I was getting to the exciting part of the book when I heard a crash come from downstairs, followed by yelling. I put down my book, and as I was walking out of my room I heard a blood curdling scream. The next thing I knew, I was running downstairs to see what was going on. When I reached the bottom of the stairs and looked in the living room, I froze. My mum and dad were laying next to each other in a puddle of blood, and there was a person in all black standing over them with a bloody knife. He looked up at me, and started to come towards me with a creepy smile on his face. I started screaming and running as fast as I could to get away from him. I looked behind me, he was getting closer and cl- "Lily! Wake up!"

  I jolted awake screaming and I knocked heads with someone. "Ow!" I looked over and saw my friend Tiffany on the ground. "Sorry Tif." "It's okay, but sheesh! Try not to jolt out of bed so fast, it's not fun getting hit in the head so early in the morning." "I'll tr- wait, how early in the morning is it?" Tif looked at the clock and said, "About 5 in the morning."

  I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I turned to to look over at the bed where my other friend Hadley slept, praying that I hadn't woke her up.

  No such luck. There Hadley was, glaring at me for wakin her up. Tiffany apparently just realized this too, and we both glanced at each other nervously. Hadley HATES it when people interupt her beauty sleep. For a few seconds we thought she was going to yell, but she calmed down, looked at me and said, "You had the nightmare again didn't you?" When I nodded my head, her and Tif came over and they each gave me a hug. They walked over to their beds to o to sleep, but before Tif laid down she looked at me and said, "Lily, you should try to get some sleep. There are some people coming to adopt in the morning." Then she got in bed and went to sleep.

  By the time Tif and Hadley were both asleep, I was still awake. I just laid there staring at the ceiling and thinking about the nightmare. But, it wasn't just a nightmare, it really happened. I was 10 at the time. I eventually managed to et away from the man by locking myself in a closet. When he found where I was hiding he kept trying to break down the door, but luckily, the police came before he could get to me. Apparently one of my neighbors heard the screams and called them. It took the police a little while to convince me to come out of the closet. After that everything was a blur. The killer was sent to jail, and I was put in Sunny Apple Tree Orphanage.

  At first, I thought I would hate living in the orphanage, but I got stuck in the same room as Tif and Hadley. We soon became close friends and have been ever since. (We're practically sisters.)That was 3 years ago. I'm now 13, Tif is 12, and Hadley is 12 and a half.

  Thinkin about meeting them, I fell into a peaceful sleep. No more nightmares.

  Sorry if it's a little weird it's my first story. I'll try to upload as soon as possible. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

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