Ch.3 What!!!!!!!!!!!

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  Hadley, Tif, and I decided that we were going to listen to some music and talk. Hadley chose One Thousand Years by Christina Perri, Tif chose One Way Or Another (the One Direction version), and I chose Picture To Burn by Taylor Swift. We started with Hadley's choice, and after we pluged  her  Ipod into the speakers, we all went over to the piano to talk while she pratices playing along with the song. We were talking about normal stuff like the dreams we had, and what new songs we'd heard. The next thing I knew, we were cracking jokes, and having an all out tickle war. We tried to calm down and stop laughing, but every time we would look at each other we burst into another fit of giggles.

  We were almost calmed down, but of course, Tif tripped over one of the many cords in the room and we all collapsed onto the ground. We were laughing so much that we didn't hear the voices in the hallway that were getting closer or when the door opened. We were still laughing when we heard a slightly familiar british accent say, "What's going on in here?" We all stopped laughing instantly and we snapped our heads around to see who it was. In the doorway stood Liam from One Direction. My eyes grew wide, Tif's mouth fell open, and Hadley yelled, "What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  As we were getting over our initial shock, Louis and Zayn came and joined Liam. When we had calmed down enough to talk Tif and Hadley took over the conersation.

  Something you might want to know about me is that I'm very withdrawn and cautious. I don't talk very much,,and the only people I really talk to are Tif and Hadley. I used to be very outgoing, percky, and I smiled all the time. Ever since my parents were murdered I seem to have one into a shell. I don't show my emotions very easily, I almost always seem to be wearing a mask. And that's about all you need to know for right now.

  While they were talking I started thinking about this new book that I wanted to read. I was brought back by Louis clearing his throat, and everyone was staring at me. "Hm?" TIf and Hadley started cracking up and the guys all looked slightly amused. I started to turn red from embarasment. "I was drifting off again wasn't I?" "Yep," Hadley said. "If you were staring at the wall any longer, the wall would have disintigrated," Tif said with a huge grin on her face. This just caused me to to start blushing in embarasment again.

  After I had gathered my wits, I turned to Louis and asked, "What was it you wanted to ask me?" "I just wanted to know what your name was." "Oh, sorry. My names Lillian, but just about everyone calls me Lily." "Well, I'm Louis, and these guys are Zayn and Liam, but you probably already knew that, huh?" "Yep," I say while shaking hands with each of them. "So, are you, by any chance, the people that were coming to adopt kids?" It was Liam who answered this time,"Yes, but how did you guess?" "Well, I'm pretty sure we would have know if One Direction was doing something here, and I haven't seen anyone else that isn't from the orphanage besides you guys, an-," I felt a sharp jab in my ribs and looked over to see that Tif was the one who had elbowed me and Hadley was giving me a look that clearly said 'you were doing it again.' "Sorry about that she tends to overanalyse thing," Tif said. They all said it was fine. After we talked for a little longer we all said goodbye, and they went to look around a little more.

  Hadley, Tif, and I went to our room to play some card games and listen to music.

  We were in the middle of a game of slapjack, when we heard an knock at the door. I got up to see who it was. It was Mrs. Jess' assistant Ms. Sydney. She had a really big smile on her face and told us that we were needed in Mrs. Jess' office. We all excanged confused looks, but followed her anyways.

  When we got to to the office and saw Liam, Louis, and Zayne sitting there we were slightly more confused. Whats going on? We all sat down and waited to see what was going on. Mrs. Jess smiled at us and said, " Hey girls, you met these young men today right?" We all nodded. "Well they wanted to know if you'd like to be adopted by them." Tif and I looked at Hadley and nodded. She said, " Yes, but I was wondering, who's adopting who, or is one of you just going to adopt all three of us?" Zayne answered her," Liam wants to adopt Lily, Louis wants to adopt Tif, and I want to adopt you." "Ok,when are we leaving?" Tif askes. "In about an hour. Is that enough time for you to get you stuff together?" "Yeah, that should be enough." "Ok, we'll see you in an hour." "See ya."

  Then we went to our room to get everything together. It only took about 45 minutes for us to get everything together. After we said goodbye to the people from the orphanage we left with the guys. Onto whatever awaited us.

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