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  Disclaimer- I do not own One Direction

  Lord of the Rings is one of my favorite movies, so I didn't hear the knocks at the door. I saw Liam get up from the corner of my eye, but I just kept watching the movie.

  No more than 5 minutes later I'm being squeezed to death by 2 people. "Guys ... ca-n't .. breathe." "Oh, sorry Lily, but we haven't seen you in foooreeevveerrrr!" Tif said with a big grin on her face."It's only been a couple of hours." Hadley chuckled a bit, "Where's your room?" "Down the hall, why-" Before I could finish my sentence they each grabbed one of my arms and hauled me to my room. 

  " Are you really wearing that to dinner? " Hadley asked me with her eybrows raised. I just kind of looked at her confused for a moment, and then it clicked. Yikes, we were going out to Nandos for dinner. I jumped up and ran to my closet to find something to wear. As I looked for something I heard them giggling at my reaction. After I picked out my clothes I went and got changed.

  I was wearing dark blue bell bottom jeans, a black tee, and black converse. Tif was wearing black skinny jeans; a gray, paint splattered shirt, and blue converse. Hadley was wearing light blue skinny jeans, a green stripped shirt, and gray converse. Tif put her hair half up and half down, Hadley put hers up in a pony tail, and I put mine up in a bun. Then we went out to the living room to tell the guys we were ready. They put on there hoodies and sunglasses, and then we all got in the van and were on our way.

  When we got there the guys took us to a table in the back where two other guys were sitting. Since there was no one else there but us the guys pulled down there hoods and took of their sunglasses, and we ordered our food. Louis started the introductions, " Girls, these are Harry and Niall. Harry, Niall, these are Lily, TIf, and Hadley." We shook hands and said hi. Tif and Hadley started up a conversation while I sat there listening quietly. Our food came soon after that and they kept conversing. Every once in a while one of the guys would glance over at me with a slightly worried expression, but I sent them a small smile to show I was ok. They tried to get me to join the conversation, but I'm not really good at talking to people so I just answered their questions. They eventually just let me sit there listening in.

  When everyone was done eating it was decided that everyone would come to Liam's appartment to watch movies and get to know each other a little better. We all got in whichever vehicle we came in and set off for home.

Hey! Sorry for how long it took to update.

I hope you all enjoy my story!

Love Ya :)


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