Prolouge; Loosing Peter

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The Pirates have become restless after Wendy and the boys left, and just a few year later claim war against the Never Land Island. The battle started with the giant, colorful birds dropping rather large boulders onto the ships and pirates. The Lost Boys were sharpening tools and weapons, and we're making arrows and bows at this moment. They waited for Peter to give them orders for battle.

When the boulders ran out, the Phoenix of the island set fire to the tails of the colorful birds and the birds dive bombed the large fleet of ships. Soon, all that remained of the once magnificent ships, we're now burning splinters of wood and the occasional carving of a mermaid or shark.

This did not affect most of the Pirates though, only the Pirates that guarded the ships floated out to the ocean as lifeless bodies. Most of the Pirates now stood on the beach or in one of the many row boats. The strongest Pirates stood in the front, but still behind the murderous Captain Hook.

Every pirate on land  now stormed up the surf and into the mesmerizing jungles where the most dangerous of animals and complicated of traps that Peter has assigned awaited. Captain Hood stepped into the jungle, with the nervous glances and murmurs of the Pirates behind him stood, awaiting instruction of how to enter the jungle. "Beware!" Hook shouted to the Pirates behind him "These woods I stand before and in are of the most dangerous sort! Be Aware of the dangers that are in every bush and behind every tree. Stand with your weapons at the ready to prepare for anything that comes your way!"

And with that, the Pirates stepped into the great jungle.

The Pirates went into groups and split from the other groups to look for Peter and the lost boys.

One by one, the Pirates were picked off. Two walked into a net trap that caught you in the net and shot poison darts with night shade berry juice on them at you. One pirate was attacked by a swarm of deadly bees that injected you with poison that made you hallucinate minutes before Death takes you. Another trap was a series of living rose thorns being shot at you as you hung in midair by a rope (a living rose thorn works it's way into your body on its own and try's to pierce your heart once inside your body). Many Pirates were taken by the Living Rose Thorn trap.

Soon only a few Pirates and Captain Hook remained. 

Peter flew down from a nearby tree and with four lost boys following close behind him. Peter sneered and spat at Hook's muddy boots. "You deserve nothing of the island. Go now before I run you through with my sword." Peter claimed. "Never. I fight for what's right, my rule in this island. Never Land needs a ruler, not a child wearing nothing but rags. Unlike you, I have real riches I can offer this Island and I shall build a great city out of this tiny island." Hook claimed.

Peter looked down at his leaf shirt and deer skin cover that Wendy had made him only a couple of years before. He looked at his bare, dirt covered feet. Peter took a step forward and looked Hook on in the eyes and gave him a cold stare like a frozen glacier. Peter may have been a few feet away, but he seemed close enough to breath down your neck.

"You disgust me." Peter breathed, becoming more angry with these Pirates by the second. "I have given this 'tiny island' more in the first hour I ruled this island than you could in a hundred years. I'm no child, even if I look like one."

Hook flick his own sword out of his sheath and held it close to his face. "Prove you're not a child." Hook said. Peter ran and jumped into flight screaming what seemed a battle cry. He flew at the Captain with such a force, it could knock a large tree on at impact.

Hook ducked at the last possible second, and survived leaving Peter to hit the ground and slide along the dirt and dead leaves. Peter whipped his head around and spit dirt back to the ground. He race to Hook again, but by foot this time. The swords in their hands clashed together and Peter ducked low to the ground to avoid the swing Hook took at him soon after the first clash of swords.

Peter looked over to see the other boys fighting the remaining Pirates, the twins fighting the same person due to the fact that only three Pirates remained to the four boys. One of the boys had a cut spilling blood reaching his right ear to the corner of his mouth. Peter turned around just in time to see Hook take another swipe at him.

Peter was athletic and agile, while Hook was getting old, but was still moving quite quick and skillfully.

Hook took another swipe at Peter, and Peter got out of the way, but his leg twisted in an unnatural way and he limped back up to an track stance. Hook and him ran at each other then, and their swords clashed in opposite ways, leaving them nose to nose. Peter could see sweat dripping from his face and a smile on his face. "Ah, Peter, just like old times back when Wendy was here, eh?" Hook spoke quietly, breathing heavily. "Don't you dare speak of Wendy!" Peter spat "You know she's never coming back!" Hook laughed quietly. Peter could smell his vile breath. Hook twisted his sword at an angle where he could nick Peter in the face with a small downward notion of his sword, and that's what he did. Peter shrieked and stepped back clutching the long, deep cut. He twisted around and kneeled to the ground, leaving his back exposed to Captain Hook. Peter shook and pulled his dirt caked hand from his face, showing his shaking, now blood coated hand. Peter shrieked once more, and pulled a leaf from the tree he knelt next to and covered his cut. Hook watched with a smile on his face. It was almost too easy. But he continued to watch Peter from a couple more moments. Peter continued to shake and breath heavily. Hook walked up to him slowly. Peter heard the crunching of dead leaves from behind him and slowly turned around to see Hook looming over him. Peter grabbed for his sword, which he had dropped next to him in the process of falling over.

But it wasn't there.

Hook had slid it away from Peter's side and it lay under his boot, protected from Peter from the iron grip of his foot. Hook kicked the sword a few feet away, and as Peter lunged for it, Hook said, "I win." And plunged the sword though Peter's back, right at his heart.

The 4 Lost Boys battling the other Pirates ran back to their home, and waited for the other boys to come to tell them what they had just witnessed.

Back on earth, Claire woke up from this startling dream 4 generations in the future.

Sup my Fishies!!! First off, I want to that you all who are reading this. I will be honest and say I am sitting in my PJs writing this because that's the best thing about writing, sitting in your PJs all day!! I hope that you all enjoy this, I hav been planning to write this for a while, and I have some exciting parts set up. I have no real order to when I'm going to write chapters, so just keep looking in case of new chapters here! I'm so excited to share a bit of my brain with y'all, and I love anyone who will bare though my writings and not exit the story as soon as you read the first sentence.

Hope you enjoy and stay tuned for the next chapter..... Who knows when. See ya!


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