Chapter 7

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I sat outside of the cave and thought about the message Peter had left Wendy. Did he know that she died? If he was recently killed in my dreams as it had looked, then probably not.

I never expected Peter to have fallen for Wendy, not in the slightest. he always seemed so distant and incapable of the feeling of romantic love.

I pulled me knees to my chest and sighed. The weather was rapidly growing cold again, and I could see my breath, even though it had been about a hundred degrees moments before. I pulled all my clothes back on, my shirt, jeans and a thick sweater, and waited for a couple moments before getting up and heading inside to look around some more.
Once inside, I looked around and saw a crack in the wall, only big enough of someone of my height to fit through at the back of the cave, hidden and out of the way.
I slipped into the crack and looks around in awe. Everywhere you looked, there were moving maps of different areas of land, that one could control. I stepped cautiously toward the closest one, a map that had the effect of a video camera in a room, of Pixie Hollow. Hundreds of little lights zooming around a giant tree and trailing pixie dust behind them as they zipped through the heavy rains a hurricane would give off.
I slowly lifted my hand and went to touch it, but once my finger got within an inch of it, it set off an electric shock, trailing from my finger, up to my shoulder, and into my chest, where is shocked my heart and made it flutter. I looked down my arm. A long, thin line of blue where the electricity had made its path. It was quickly fading away.
I walked out of the cavern, and the first thing that hit me in the main room was the noise. The loud screeching of birds. An alarm! How could I have been so stupid?! I looked around and found half a dozen or so stone soldiers surrounding me in the room. Big, bulky  hunks of rocks and boulders, standing eight feet tall with glowing gold holes for eyes.
I gasped as all of them moved towards me, not very fast because of their weight, but fast enough to them being too close to run from if you freeze up with fear. Thankfully, I ran when I got the chance.
I dodged one of the guards' stone club, and another's, the third hit me in the arm and I heard the crack and felt the bone in my arm shatter, but I felt no pain, at least not right away.
I finally reached the crack in the wall and entered the cavern, narrowly missing another club that had been thrown at me.
Just as I sat down, pain exploded in me arm and I cried out in pain. Tears from the pain clouded my vision and trailed down my filthy face.
I looked over at the crack, and found that one of the rock soldier, protector things, stuck his hand in the gap and was trying toxins where I was, and was now stuck. I laughed and shifted toward it. The soldier had given up with pulling his hand out and had sat down in anger. I reached out and touched his hand, his hand moved a little in surprise, but he didn't lift it up and grab at me, do I stroked his hand until I fell asleep.

Oh. My. Gosh. That was a hard chapter to write. I got writers block after writing that first few sentences, so I apologize for not writing for a while. I just started high school back up, I've been super busy with school work, clubs, and of course, drama, not that a lot has been happening. I Promis I will Write as soon as possible, but it may not be for at least a week. Thanks so much for your support, I just got an Instagram and my name is roeboat20 if you wanna follow me. Bye! -Lyss

After Wendy; Claire's Never LandWhere stories live. Discover now