Chapter 9

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I moved over to the giant's hand, and touched it, and before I could lay another hand in it, the hand sprung to life. "Shit!" I called, while Tinkerbell flew around in a panic. The hand gripped around for me, but not in a menacing matter, he was feeling around as if he was looking for a china vase.
I slowly inched toward that hand, and reached out to touch it while Tink cried out with a sound of warning bells, but I ignored her.
I touched the giant, and he (or she) stopped moving and relaxed. "Hey, Rocky." I cooed, and stroked his hand. He grumbled, the sound of a rock slide filling the cave. I smiled, this was going on I be easy.

As soon as I had disassembled his hand, I crawled from the cave and reassembled his had while he watched with interest. "Done!" I announced when the last rock was in place. He grumbled again, but this time in thanks.
He lifted his hand and looked at it in wonder. He looked down at me, and reached down with his hand to pick me up. I was frozen in terror, even though Tink was flying around my face and pulling my hair.
The giant lifted me, but with such a delicate touch, he could have picked up a China vase without a single crack forming in the delicate China.
He observed my stiff body with the holes in his boulder head, which I assumed were his eyes. "Can you help us?" I asked, my voice quaking in fear. He made a noise that sounded like two rocks smashing against each other. And he nodded.

Just then, the other giants began to awake. Those piles of rocks began to form into actual figures. The figures of giants. The giant-turned-Ally was large, at least 12 feet tall, but he was a runt. The others were at least 15-17 feet tall.
My new friend didn't seem to scared though, the way the rocks were positioned in his face, he looked fierce, sting and determined. I stoped being scared and started to have confidence in my friend's actions.
He set me on his back and charged, just as the first giant had finished forming, and grown to his full height.

The impact of the runt against the other giant nearly throwing me from his back, but I clung to him as if my life depended on it, because it does.

He slammed through two other giants before being stopped, right beneath the exit, where Tink was frolicking in the open air. God I hate her.
The giant took me from his back, gave me one last soft look before tossing me out the exit and punching the arched exit, which collapsed in a matter of seconds, trapping him and the others inside. I sat in the ground in shock of what just happened, clinging to my bag, while Tink continued to fly around, happy to not be in the dank cavern anymore.

Another difficult chapter to write!!!! I am nothing but grateful though, especially to my 2 (probably biggest) fans, my friend Simrun and my friend Jill, both of whom I was reminded by multiple times per week with urgent texts and a good yelling at saying "CONTINUE YOUR F***ING BOOK, GIRL!!" So, this chapter is dedicated to you two, for your constant nagging and reminders. Thanks, guys, for being the best friends a person could EVER have, yes, even you Sim. Thanks for everyone's support on the book, my Fishies!!

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