Chapter 10

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My skin on my hands were sore and bloody, but I didn't stop. If something like a giant rock creature could change their feelings toward someone, then anyone could change, I just could let him..... die? He's a non living thing, so..... get crushed? I don't know, but my feelings were all over the place, and even though I had only known his for about a day, I still loved him, as cheesy as it sounds. He literally saved my life.

I soon gave up because I couldn't use my hands without causing myself pain. I sat in the ground and cried, my tears falling hard and fast, but soon turned to ice and shattered against the ground. The temperature was dropping bellow freezing. I tore my thick winter jacket from my pack, and my extra blanket, but it still wasn't enough. But it would have to do. I looked up, and there seemed to be multiple tornadoes dancing through the air in the clouds, performing Swan Lake. I fell asleep watching the tornadoes dance across the rapidly turning night sky.

Upon waking, I found Tink gone. Good. I didn't like her anyway. I looked out towards the sea just in time to see a huge tsunami wave headed towards the shore. I screamed, louder and more frightened than ever before. There was no where to go. I backed into the rocks where the entrance to the cave was, but the impact of the wave never hit. I looked up, and a couple of feet away, the wave had frozen, as if frozen in time, and then evaporated into the air all at once as if it was 200 degrees. But it wasn't hot at all. It was room temperature.
I shrugged, picked up my pack and went around the cliff about a mile to find a cute little picnic set up, with a grass woven blanket and picnic basket, filled with home grown and made food. My stomach rumbled. I haven't eaten since I left the boy's home and ran at the picnic. I looked inside and all the food had become stones. I groaned. This was so not happening.
I sat on the blanket and listened to my stomach growl for food. So loud, I thought a bear would come over because it was a mating call, but i was in Neverland. There were no bears..... hopefully.
The sound of soft, tinkling bells soon filled my ears, and I looked up to find Tinkerbell flittering around the picnic site. "Do you want me to get off?" I asked she nodded and I scooted off. I rummaged around my backpack until I found a small pencil stub and the notebook paper she had previously written on and handed it to her.
The reason the food turned to stone was because a) you weren't invited and b) you are medusa. Or at least as ugly as her.
"HEY!!" I shouted "THAT WAS UNNECESSARY!!!" I swatted her out of the air and she landed in a glass cup. I covered it up with a napkin, closed enough to where she was trapped, but open enough for fresh air.
"May I eat at the picnic?" I asked, my voice dripping venom. She shook her head. " That's ok, I'll just suffocate you to death then." And I closed the thick napkin completely over the cup.
She banged against the side multiple times, but failed in breaking her way out. I watched her sit at the bottom with a woozy look. I felt bad, but she needed this to realize how bad of a person (or fairy) she was.
But she didn't give in.
"Ready to let me join you yet?" I asked in a sarcastic-sweet voice. She shook her head forcefully, and it began to swing around a little when she stopped. "If you don't let me eat, you will actually die, you know."
She gave me a look that challenged my intentions and I just smiled.
Soon she was choking and you could she she was running out of air. "Ready to admit?" She nodded so forcefully, I thought her head would fall off. I looked back, and the food had returned to food state.
I let Tink out. "Don't you ever do that again." She shook her head and we ate like royalty.

OH MY GOODNESS GUYS!!!! I HIT 100 VIEWS!!! I can't express how grateful I am for this. I expected my book to have like, 3 views, but here I am with 100. So thank you all. Anyway, let me explain why I put in the last part there, with Claire trapping Tinkerbell in the cup. That was supposed to show the emense hate that Tink has for Claire and Claire for Tink. If you didn't catch that, then here you go, in case you got confused. I thought it was important. Anyway, thank you all my Fishies!

After Wendy; Claire's Never LandWhere stories live. Discover now