Chapter 1

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Wendy sat at the table staring into her coffee mug with her elbow on the table and head in her hand. It was 3:28 in the morning, and thi same nightmare, or dream or whatever, had been coming to Claire for the past 3 nights.

Her Oma, or Granmother was sitting with Claire with a look of concern worn on her face like face paint.

"Was ist los, Liebchen (what's wrong, honey)?" Claire's Oma asked her.

"Das selbe Traum, Oma (the same dream, Oma)." Claire answered without looking up from untouched , dark brown liquid in her cup.

Clairre's Oma spoke only German, as a result of Great- Grandma Wendy moving to Germany when Oma was 3. She had learned little English, and Oma preferred to speak German instead of practicing English. Claire was pretty much forced to learn German so she could communicate with her Oma, but no matter, the language would be an advantage to getting a job in the futur anyway.

Claire's Oma 'tsked' and stood up. "Das ist nicht gut. Erzahl mich der Traum? Bitte? ( That's not good. Tell me the dream? Please?)"

"Ugh, ok." Claire said and looked up for the first time since she initially sat down. She told the dream in great detail to her Oma in German the best she could, but some parts she had to explain in English. Oma understood perfectly, even the parts in German.

As Claire told the story, Oma's face began to get grim, and even more so as Claire kept talking. Oma eventually sat down, put her elbows on the table and set her head on her hands. When Oma was like this, something was seriously wrong.

Once Claire finished, she realized that Oma had begun to cry silently. "Oh weh, Oh weh (oh no, oh no)" she kept muttering

"Was ist den los? (What's wrong?)" Claire asked. Oma still wouldn't look up. "Peter Pan ist nur eine Geschichte, Oder? (Peter Pan is only a story, right?)"

"Nein, das ist er nicht. (No, he's not.)" Said my grandmother in reply.

"Was?!(what?!)" I answered. I immediately go up, knocking over my cup of coffee. "Enschuldigung, Oma! (Excuse me grandma!)" I yelled and raced back to my room.

Once I got up to my room, I flipped through a story book until I found a picture of Peter Pan and Wendy standing sidebyside, and looked closely at Wendy. She looked very similar to the Wendy in the pictures we keep downstairs in Oma's living room. I looked at her though the microscope that I left on my desk that was meant for school. Wendy and Oma had many facial features in common, and I can still see them through the paintings that the author had made in the book.

I raced back downstairs, hugged my Oma and and asked "Hast du Pixiedust? (Do you have any pixie dust?) Oma brightened up and looked at me with wide eyes. She shuffled to her room very quickly, well, faster than I have ever seen her move.

She soon returned with an ancient looking leather pouch. It had a sting pull at the top, that I open as carefully as I could. I peaked into it. Inside there was shimmering, golden dust. In the best english she could manage, my Oma said "I know you will succeed. And that was it.

I knew I was going to Save Neverland.

Thank you guys so much for reading my story!! I greatly appreciate any views I can get, since I have like, no followers. and just so you know, I did NOT use any translating sites for the German, just past knowledge from being in Germany. It took me forever to write this chapter because I needed a good introduction to the story, just to get it started up, plus I haven't had all the time in the world to write because of school work (as many of you may still have). If you have any corrections, or suggestions to the book, let me know in the comments and I will see what I can do! Thank you all, again!!!!!

Peace out my Fishies!

SGBpanther :)

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