Chapter 11

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I have never been so full in my life. And I'm including Thanksgiving dinner, with all the delicious food.
The basket of food continuously spit out food, and the food that you wanted. You want a hot dog? Bam! There's a hot dog. You want a waffle? Bam! There's a waffle right in the basket. I ate 2 omlets, 5 apples, 3 glasses of sprite, a big bowl of chicken soup, and 2 slices of pie. It was the bet food I had ever had in my life.
When I had finished, I looked over at Tink, who had just finished scarfing down an entire loaf of bread. Wow, she was as hungry as I was.
I looked around the island not long after, to walk off some of the food, and to explore my surroundings, as is said in my survival class back at school.
I sighed. There wasn't much to the island except for a few trees, and, of course, the large cave. I still haven't forgotten about Rocky (yes I named the rock giant Rocky, he needed a name because I cared so much about him.) and his enormous heart, even if he didn't even have a real heart.
I sighed. I had made it back to the picnic area when Tink had fallen asleep. And yes, I could tell she was asleep because of the sound of a giant-ass gong being banged against every few seconds, which I guessed easily were snores. I sat and looked to the shore. I froze. Right on the shore were the Lost Boys, and they seemed to have spotted me.
They were making a boat on the shore, out of the wood they were getting for dead trees that had recently fallen. Over night.
I immediately ran back to Tink who was so full she couldn't fly. I grabbed my pack and ran, forgetting the the island was extremely small, and finding myself back around to the shore where the Lost Boys were crossing. There were half way here, and coming in at a rapid pace.
"Shit!" I called to no one particular. I couldn't get away, except for my pixie dust, but that was for emergencies only. So I sat on the beach like a helpless little princess.
When the neared the beach, most of them jumped out of the boat, and ran through the clear water towards me. I held my hand up in defeat, while they ran towards me, with a cloth in their hand. Wait what were they doing with- and i was knocked out like a light as a chloroform like substance in ye cloth that was pressed against my face.

After Wendy; Claire's Never LandWhere stories live. Discover now