20:: Hay Is For Horses

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“Hey Hay!” I could hear Ryan yell to me, but I didn’t bother slowing down. I wasn’t in a mood today. After Seth finally left my house last night and I finally got back to my normal self, which took a while, I fell asleep and didn’t even wake up for dinner.

“Hayden!” Ryan called again. I rolled and my eyes turned around to face him.

“What?” I whined.

“Why are you walking so fast?” He huffed as soon as he got to me.

I shrugged replying, “I don’t know.”

“Well no wonder those legs are killer.”

“Well of course.” I joked, running my hand down them to show them off.

“The heels help too, which I love by the way.” I smiled. Ryan seemed to know what things to say whenever I was in a ‘mood’.

“Thank you. On them half off at the mall.”

He gasped, “No!” I only nodded in response.

“I got them for fifty instead of a hundred.” They were actually my favorite pair of heels. They were bright blue, peep-toed, and had the cutest little bow right above the peep-toe part.

“Will you two girls shut up for five minutes?” Lindsay screeched. We both looked up and we could see that someone was on their-

“PMSing?” Ryan and I both asked at the same time which caused us to burst out laughing as Lindsay flipped us off.

“It’s not funny and I’m not in a mood.” She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Neither was Hayden, but I cheered her up.” I shrugged. So he did, but the real reason was because you know who wasn’t in sight.

“Whatever, have you seen Alex today?”

Ryan and I exchanged glances before laughing hysterically. Lindsay frowned and narrowed her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. We tried to tell her why we were laughing, but neither of us could stop laughing. It took a few more chuckles to get us to a point where we could talk.

“He must’ve counted down the days and skipped school this week.” Ryan pushed out, making us fall into another fit of giggles.


Lindsay obviously wasn’t going to take our crap so she ended up walking away from us. I don’t think I’ve talked so hard in my life as I did then as I saw how pissed off she was at us.

“That was hilarious!” Ryan sang and I only nodded in response.

It was probably true about the whole Alex counting down thing. Lindsay was a bitch when she was PMSing, even though we all loved her… it was true.

“I’ve got to head to class, but I’ll meet you in gym.” I nodded, pulling my bag up and onto my shoulder.

“Alright, see you then.”

We gave each other a quick hug and a wave before parting our separate ways. Sometimes it was best to gave a gay guy to talk to, they always made things better. I continued walking down the hall I was already in, not bothering to stop at my locker, and was filled with joy when I noticed no huddle of girls around a certain locker.

I must’ve finally gotten to him yesterday; I know I got to myself. Just all the memories we had that he totally ruined, I just wasn’t happy.

“Jones.” I looked up at Seth and smiled.

“Hello Sethy.”

“I had a rough night yesterday, want to skip class with me?” He asked, giving me the best puppy eyes I have ever seen.

“Seth, those eyes make you look innocent.”

“I know that’s why I do them.” He told me, smirking.

“You’re far from innocent.” I tried to walk further on, but I was pulled back. Seth’s chest up against my back. He rested his lips against my ear and blew his hot breath across them.

“So are you.” I hated how Seth had so much of an affect on me. Ever since Kyle came to this school I’d gone weak. I wasn’t with a new guy every day; I wasn’t messing around with Seth to just mess around anymore. I wasn’t the Hayden Jones that I tried to make myself be.


“Now, if you can just come with me…”

“Are you kidnapping me?” I gasped. Seth chuckled.

“Not if you come willingly.” He mumbled, nibbling on my earlobe. I hadn’t moaned in so long that one was building up in my throat as he continued down, leaving a trail of hot kisses down my jaw and neck.

“Okay, okay.” I ended up giving in. Seth smiled in triumph.

“Good because you wouldn’t have liked being thrown over my shoulder.” I rolled my eyes in disbelief.

“Sure Seth.” Without a second thought I was thrown over his shoulder, my arms flailing all around. “Hey!” I protested, smacking his back. “Put me down!” He chuckled making his chest rumble and my body heat up. Why had this just start happening to me? Why was it Seth that was doing it to me?

“Nah, I like the view I’ve got.” I was waiting for him to smack my butt, but when he didn’t I decided to smack his. “Hey!” He whined. I smirked to myself.

“Hay is for horses.” I shot back before feeling his hand smack my bottom.

“Then you’re horse food.” I scrunched my nose.

“You’re weird.” I mumbled, still being carried until we came to the front door, only to be set down and pushed out them. It was funny how we never got caught ditching school, but you would hear about those dumb kids who would and their parents would be notified right away.

My parents hadn’t been called since middle school when I ditched with Kyle for the first time. Even back then he was a bad influence, but when you had a crush on someone… you did whatever you thought would get you closer to them.

“And you’re sexy.” Seth finally shot back, winking.

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