21:: Hayden Jones Doesn't Lose

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“So, what are we doing today Sethy?” I asked, shifting in my seat until I was comfortable with my feet up on the dash.

“How about Laser Tag?” He asked. I frowned and shook my head.

“Nah, didn’t we do that last time we skipped?” He only shrugged, turning the wheel to the right.

“Maybe…” He mumbled, more to himself than me.

“What about the movies?” I suggested, scratching at my chipped fingernail.

“No, too overdone.” I rolled my eyes, not wanting to admit that he was right, but he was. We always came to the movies when we skipped, that was until Lindsay and Alex wouldn’t stop making out during them.

It made everything awkward. Seth and I weren’t always like that with each other, especially in a public place…

Wait, I take that back! School is very public, isn’t it? Well, if it’s not a private school then it is…

“Let’s go paint balling!” Seth yelled, causing me to jump.

“Why did we need to scream?” I yelled back. He turned and grinned at me.

“I love paint ball!” He told me, smiling like an idiot. I shrugged, what else were we going to do?

“Fine, but ONLY if you can take me home first. I’m not ruining my favorite pair of shoes.” He rolled his eyes at me as he made a sudden left turn so we could turn around and head back towards my house. “Don’t roll your eyes at me Mister!” I scoffed, smacking his leg. He made a girly whine before yelling at me,

“Hey! That hurt.” He made a very convincing fake pout. If I hadn’t seen it so many times before, I definitely would’ve believed it.

“Oh shut and drive, drive, drive.”


“Let’s make this interesting.” Seth told me, leaning across the table towards me. I raised an eyebrow.

“How would you suggest we do that?” I asked, leaning forward as well.

“Whoever loses has to do whatever the other says for a whole day.” He told me, leaning back into his chair and smirking.

“That’s not fair!” I argued, “It’s my first time!” He smirked.

“I’ll go easy on you.”

He winked once in my direction before getting up and grabbing his gun and mask. Of course, him being the one who played every other weekend, he had an amazing paint ball gun. His mask was splattered with dry paint, but it made him look like a pro.

I frowned as I looked down at my stupid gun. It was one of his old ones and was worn down where his was brand-new, but I challenged that I could still kick his butt with or without a brand-new gun. I had to rent a mask from the place we were at because none of his fit me right.

Damn my small head.

“Will you stop chickening out and get over here?!” I looked up at Seth, who already had his mask on and raggedy old sweatshirt zipped up so no paint would on get his skin or ruin his shirt. I scoffed.

“As if I would chicken out! You know who I am, right?” I mimicked him as I threw my mask over my face and zipped up my own sweatshirt.

“Of course Miss Jones, who doesn’t know you?” I gasped.

“You make me sound like a whore.”

“Who would use such a word? I hear they said slut these days.” I rolled my eyes and trudged over to him, hitting his gun out of his hand and onto the ground. “Hey!” He whined.

“Hey is for horses.” I retorted, smirking at my accomplishment as I hurried over to the gate to be let into the paint ball arena.

“Are you sure you want to go in pretty lady?” The man at the gate questioned, looking me over.

“You should be asking the asshole back there.” I informed him, sticking my thumb over my shoulder and in Seth’s direction. The man chuckled before holding open the gate door.

“Don’t get hurt.” He warned. I laughed at his warning.

“Hayden Jones never loses.”


“How the hell did you do that?!”

“I’ve got skill.”

“Doubt that.”

“No, it’s true.” Seth huffed, throwing his new gun carelessly into the back seat. “Stop being a baby.” I told him, climbing into the front seat. He stuck his tongue out at me before slamming the backseat door and opening the driver’s side door.

“You totally cheated.” He murmured, fastening his seatbelt. I snorted.

“Seriously Mister? That was my first time and I swear.” He grumbled a few profanities before starting the engine and driving off.

I really didn’t cheap, I swear. It was actually easy once you got the hang of it. I was very sneaky and that worked to my advantage. Seth hadn’t seen me coming more than half the times that I had gotten him, it was hilarious!

He was probably waiting for my heels to click against the ground or something since I was always wearing heels, but he had totally forgotten that when I’m in a challenge, Hayden Jones never loses.

“You’re a liar.” Seth continued, causing me to zone back into his rant. “I know you cheated some how. Did you trade in my gun for a better one? I mean come on! That one was crap!”

“Hey!” I whined, glaring at him. “You told me it would work alright.”

“Yeah, I did, but I didn’t expect it to last alright for that long.” I snickered as I watched him face scrunch.

“You look adorable.” I cooed. He turned around to only glare at me.

“I’m mad at you.” He grumbled, stopping for a red light. He took his hands off of the steering wheel so they could rest in his lap.


We waited for a few more seconds before the light turned back to green and he stepped on the pedal once again, sending us forward and away from the paint ball place.

“I had fun.” I told him honestly. He mumbled a few things I couldn’t make out. I could tell that they weren’t anywhere along the lines of, ‘Oh me too Hayden, we should do this again sometime!’

Not even close.

That’s when it hit me.

“Hey, Sethy.” I cooed, biting my bottom lip. He didn’t turn to me this time and I held back a laugh. “I think you may have forgotten, but I haven’t.” He still didn’t turn. “We had a bet and I’m pretty sure you get to do everything I say for a whole day.”

I waited and watched as his fingers gripped the steering wheel hard and his jaw tensed. He hated losing, and so did I.


If you haven't noticed already, this story is going to be one of those sides. Like oh Team Seth or Team Alec or Team Kyle, etc. It'll only be those three, maybe, but I just want you all to know that it won't just be Hayden with one the whole story, she's going to be with them all and in different situations as well. I just wanted to show you this side of Seth. You've seen some of Kyle and Alec too.

I hope you liked the chapter. Fan, vote, PM, comment, etc. :) All are welcomed here!

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