23:: Detention

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“What?” His bright eyes opened wide in shock.

“I want you to kiss me.” I repeated, looking straight at him, waiting for his reaction.

There he stood, froze for a few seconds, just staring back at me as if thinking it over. I didn’t know why, but those words came from my lips so suddenly and almost desperately. I wanted to feel his lips against my own, possibly to have his tongue fight with mine.

He quietly took a step closer to me, his hand rising. My heart started to beat faster. He was going to kiss me! He was so close. I couldn’t help, but let my eyes close and wait for his breath to mingle with mine, but it never did…

My eyes snapped open and that’s when I heard the loud chuckle.

The step he had taken towards me was gone now as he had taken a few back, his forehead and hands resting against the brick wall as he laughed at me. His head shook as he continued to chuckle at my request.

Why? I had no clue.

He flipped around and his left hand made contact with his hair, only to run his fingers through it and continue to laugh at me. A frown graced my lips.

“Are you laughing at me?” I asked, the answer was pretty obvious, but I couldn’t help, but let the words leave my lips. I knew he was laughing at me. I mean I was the only one with him right now. Besides us, the halls were empty and not even a hall monitor of some kind was with us. He was laughing at me, but what about me?

My words only made him grip his stomach and continue on with his outburst.

“What the hell are you laughing at?!” I growled, angered by him. This only made his bluish-green eyes fill up with tears and his body shake even harder from the fits of laughter. I stood, just watching him. My hands balled into fists. The asshole…

He really wasn’t going to answer me. Instead he’d just stand there and laugh hysterically at me. So, I decided not to wait around for an answer. I turned and started towards my class. It’s weird that I was actually going to class, I know, but I wasn’t going to just stand in the hallway and be made fun of for no reason!

“Hayden! Wait!” I didn’t stop as I continued to hear rolls of laughter fall from Seth’s lips. He barely got those two words out from his lips. It’s not like they were sealed, but his gasps of air made them hard to release.

He’s such a jackass!

My heels clicked loudly through the almost silent halls as I walked briskly down them. But as usual before I could get very far my wrist was grabbed onto and I came to a halt. I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. His stifles of chuckles gave him away.

“Why’d you walk away?” He asked, his voice holding something back and that something was what made me walk away from him. His stupid ass giggles. It made him sound like a little girl or something, well besides the fact that they were deep, husky giggles. Can you even giggle like that? I didn’t think it was possible, but here I was listening to it.

“Just let go of me Seth.” I grumbled, trying to yank my wrist from his hand. I was in such a good mood a few minutes ago…

“No, wait.”

I closed my eyes and sighed, “Please Seth,” I tried again.

“I’m not letting you go until you tell me what’s got your panties in a wad. I thought you and I were having fun just now. What got you so angry?” I whipped around and I roughly pulled my wrist free.

“You’re a stupid jerk! That’s why! I ask for one thing, only one thing! It wasn’t even that big of a deal and you make it into something extremely funny! I was serious about it and then you go and turn into a hyena and laugh at me like it was some sort of joke, well, continue on laughing. Don’t answer me or anything and most of all, don’t let me ruin your fun that you were having!” My breathing was ragged as I finished my rant, Seth speechless.

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