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A teenage girl, walked silently on platform nine and three quarters. She is returning to her last year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This girl had long, wavy blonde hair that bounced when she walked, big hazel eyes, creamy skin, and a round face.

Her name is Allison Garner. She was a kind soul who had a love for all things; animals, people, plants, anything that she found beautiful. She herself was quiet beautiful. She was of age in magic folk standards. She had smooth curves, was an appropriate height, and she had the best of manners. Many men fawned over her.

As she made her way though the crowd of witches and wizards, she bumped into several people, calling back 'excuse me', 'I'm sorry', and 'pardon me' to all of them.

After all the fuss, she boarded the Hogwarts Express, handing the conductor her ticket. She tucked her leather satchel close to her and held her skirt to her rear as she climbed up the steps, so that nobody would be seeing something they shouldn't.

She took a seat in an empty compartment, leaving the door open so that she could hear the noise coming from the boarding students on the train. Allison, pulled her skirt down a little, feeling self-conscious, then she pulled a novel out of her satchel, opening it to a folded page.

She alternated between reading her book and looking out to the crowd of people through the window. She saw parents and children saying their goodbyes and a pang of longing struck her heart.

Allison dearly loved her parents. They both earned an honest living, her mother a nurse and her father a corporate manager at a paper company. She had a little brother too. He however did not possess the magical gene that she did. They knew for fact when he didn't receive his letter when he turned eleven. Michael was angry of course, but he got over it. That was two years ago now. Allison was pulled from her thoughts when several rowdy teens passed her compartment.

"Come on Evans! I've missed you over the summer! Have a heart." A dark haired boy with glasses followed a beautiful girl with flaming red hair. The boy had a posse following him. One with long, curly black hair looked into the compartment at Allison and gave her a dazzling smile with a wink.

She blushed deeply and turned her eyes to her book pretending to read. The boy chuckled deeply and elbowed a small fellow behind him.

This boy was not as handsome as the others. He was short and a little wide. His face was covered with blemishes and he had crooked teeth. Allison was never one to judge a book by it's cover though.

"That's how you impress the ladies Wormtail." The curly haired boy teased.

"Shut up Padfoot!" Wormtail hissed.

The last boy in their row was calmer than the rest. He had chestnut hair, pale skin, however a jagged scar marred his handsome face. He was quiet tall with long, muscled limbs. He had on a white, button up, long-sleeve shirt on, and dark brown suspenders hold up his trousers, despite the heat.

His eyes met Allison's and she was dazzled by the beautiful, emerald green irises. He gave an awkward smile before he was called by his gang.

"Moony! Come on." A deep voice sounded though the air. He gave Allison a polite nod before he dashed down the corridor to catch up with his friends.

Mooney? Wormtail? Padfoot? What odd names... She mused. She took a breath and turned her attention to the book. However she struggled to focus. She was still thinking about Moony with his enchanting eyes and his handsome face. She was also curious about the scar that ran from his cheek, across his lips and nose, to his jaw.

I bet that would be one heck of a story. She thought. The train jolted forward and her head hits the back of the seat, snapping her out of her daze. Allison looked out the windows to see several of her peers leaning out the windows and waving out to the crowd.

Goodbye muggle word. See you in a few months. Allison smiled to herself.

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