Chapter 15

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It was mid-November. It was chilly out and the trees were practically bear. Remus and Allison were officially an item. They held hands everywhere they went. They shared sly kisses, whispered things in each others ears, and would sneak off to private corners to snog. They made each other laugh, they talked about their families, and even more serious stuff. But one thing was left out: Remus was a werewolf.

"I can't believe you still haven't told her mate." Sirius said disapprovingly.

"She's a nice girl. She'll understand." James said reassuringingly.

"She loves you." Peter said.

"I just don't want her to leave. I'm being selfish..." He sighed. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and putting his head in his palms. He hated lying to her, but he couldn't lose her. She was just what he needed. She was good.

Allison was sweet, kind, beautiful, smart, graceful, and the one who held his heart. No one could replace her. He loved the guys, but she offered him a relief that they couldn't only because she didn't know his secret.

Allison was sitting with Lily beneath a tree in the courtyard. It was a free period for them and they usually spent it out here.

"So, how are you and Remus?" The redhead asks with a smirk.

"He's wonderful." Allison said dreamily. "Remus is perfect. He is so kind he's smart. He shares my interest in books, we can go for hours just talking, and we can go for hours not talking. He makes me feel like a princess." Allison said truthfully, thinking of how Remus dotes on her. He wasn't clingy though. She was happy that he had his friends.

"How's he in bed?" Lily asks bluntly.

"We haven't y'know....done it." Allison whispered the last part. Lily giggled.

"I know. I'm just messin'. I don't think you'd know how to do it." Lily teased.

"I do! I know that the guy thing... goes in the girl thing... I know that's how babies are made." Allison said. Her face was completely red and she couldn't meet Lily's eyes. Lily was laughing hysterically.

"You need to get out more." Lils wheezed. Allison smiled as she hid behind a curtain of her hair.

"We should do something for the guys. Could be your chance to get with James." Allison said, turning things on her friend.

Lily blushed deeply. She did have feelings for James. Allison was only jesting, but Lily felt that things were too soon and her emotions were still raw. After her and Sev had stopped being friends, she learned that not everything in the world was good. She had always thought of Severus to be one of the kindest of people. He had been there for her when she discovered her magic and welcomed her when her sister disowned her. He had been her best friend through it all. But now, she believed the rumors. He was a greasy, cruel git.

"I honestly feel like if we got together now, it would be more out of spite than love." Lily said truthfully. Allison sobered and agreed. She felt bad for her friend. She couldn't imagine what Lily was feeling.

"Time will heal things." Allison said. Lily looked over to her friend with glassy eyes. Allison wrapped an arm around her shoulders and Lily let a single tear slip from beneath her eyelid.

They both put together a little picnic for everyone, stealing some food from the kitchens. They packed it up in a bag and met up with the boys outside the Great Hall before lunch.

"Come on." Allison grab Remus's and Peter's hands, leading them all outside. After a long trek, they arrived at the Whomping Willow. It was not too chilly out, but they all had coats on.

As they were eating their lunch, Padfoot felt the need for some entertainment.

"Y'know we should see who all's brave enough to go and touch the tree." He grinned. The others stared at him incredulously.

Prongs however, thought that this would be an excellent opportunity to impress Lily. He stood up, taking off his cloak and started to do some stretches.

"You're joking right?" Remus spoke up.

"I'm completely serious." Prongs responded.

"I'm Sirius." Padfoot joked, earning a few chuckles. Prongs ran off without another word, sprinting to the tree. The Whomping Willow didn't have time to react to him running in. James ran into the trunk hard, cursing himself as he spun around taking off back to their picnic. The willow reeled back a branch and tripped James as he was running back. He fell flat on his face, breaking his glasses. But he picked himself up and made it back to the others.

"Whoa! You alright mate?" Sirius questioned. James nodded, squinting to see through the glasses.

"Come here." Lily ordered. James didn't need to be told twice. He stooped down, puckering his lips and closing his eyes, half expecting a kiss.

"Oculus repairo." Lily said, pointing her wand at the shattered glass. Then, just like that, his glasses were good as new.

"Thanks Lils." James winked, making the heat rise to Lily'ss cheeks, which didn't go unnoticed by Prongs.

"Alright, my turn!" Padfoot declared. He too rushed to the tree, but since the tree was especially irritated now, it was trying desperately to hit Sirius. But alas, Sirius was too quick for the tree and came out without a scratch.

"How'd you like that Potter?" Padfoot taunted, which earned him a scowl.

"What about you Moony?" Padfoot inquired.

"I'm good. Thanks for the offer though." Remus said sarcastically, with his arm wrapped around Allison's shoulders, her resting her head on his chest while nibbling a cracker.

"Alli?" He looked at her expectantly.

"Gryffindors are supposed to be the brave ones." She countered, making Sirius smirk.

"You could have been sorted into the wrong house. Not many can face me in quidditch so confidently." He said trying to convince her.

"Suit yourself cowardly lioness." He joked. James and Sirius were the only ones to touch the Whomping Willow. Remus felt nervous. He would be touching it tonight. It was a full moon. He was dreading the change. Things were falling into place in his life and he didn't want his affliction to ruin it. It was a dangerous game he was playing.

The other Marauders were aware of the full moon and were enjoying their time before the full moon. Allison noticed Remus's tenseness. She looked up at him

"You alright?" She questioned.

"Yeah, just kinda nervous for a test I have tomorrow." Remus lied.

"I'll help you study for it at breakfast." Allison smiled. He kissed her hair and ran his hand up and down her arm to warm her.

"Thank you." He said, feeling guilty.

"Cheer up. You know today is our two week anniversary." She said smugly.

"Really? From the day it was announced or when we kissed in Filtch's wardrobe?" His inquired with a smirk.

"From the wardrobe kiss." She answers. They both chuckle, smiling. Remus briefly forgot that he was a monster.

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