Chapter 4

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Allison was making her trek up the stairs to Divination. She didn't even break a sweat going up the steep steps. On the other hand, Peter Pettigrew had droplets rolling down his face, trying to keep up with his friends.

"Can you guys slow down?" He asks. They all respond with 'no' in unison, which earned a whine from Wormtail.

"You need to lay off the rolls mate." James said.

"You could be on the quidditch team with us if you got in shape." Padfoot said.

"Then who would keep Remus company in the tower?" Peter countered.

"I don't need co-"

"Remus is trying out this year." James said. Remus went to reason with James as to why he shouldn't, but was interrupted by Sirius.

"We know what you're about to say, but there is no reason why you shouldn't. We're gonna need a keeper this year with David graduating and all. We're going to need several new players in fact." Padfoot says.

"You guys-" Remus started.

"Just try out and see how you are on a broom. And if you can honestly tell us that you don't want to, then we'll let you off the hook." James says.

"Fine. When are tryouts?" Moony asks grumpily.

"Friday afternoon." Remus was told.

Allison took her seat at one of the tables, eyeing the professor skeptically. He was in brightly colored robes and he had wild black hair. He smelled strongly of spices... and weed. Allison never really believed in this type of thing.

Soon, her friend Lily walked into the class and sat down next to her.  They chatted about little things before the Marauders walked in.

"Moony, be my wingman." Prongs whispered as he strutted over to the table that his beloved Lily was sitting at. Remus followed, not only for James, but for himself and to talk to Allison.

"Fancy seeing you here." James purred. Lily huffed and whispered, 'I see pain and suffering in my future', to Allison, which made her giggle. Remus smirked at James's expression, which was one of confusion, even though he was trying to hide it with a charming smile.

"You don't mind if we sit here do ya?" James smiles.

"I do actually." Evans says teasingly.

"I need to be close to the front. You know I have impaired vision." James pouts.

"And an impaired brain if you think I'll say yes." She fired back. Prongs put on a hurt expression and Moony laughed, which earned him a sharp elbow to the ribs.

Allison gave Remus a sympathetic look, even though the corner of her mouth was turned up in a light smile.

"Everyone take your seats and we'll get started." The professor drawled.

Remus sat next to Allison and James was next to Lily. The red head muttered something under her breath and the blonde patted her shoulder reassuringly.

The professor went on to talk about the noble art of Divination and that they were to study palm reading for today and the next lesson, they would pair up and do readings on each other.

Remus was interested in the subject and he pulled out his book to begin reading. Allison also began reading but was struggling to stay focused. She usually like reading, but this wasn't exactly her strongest subject.

Remus seemed to noticed this. He saw her disgruntled expression and how she kept biting her lips. She tapped her foot rapidly and would occasionally run a frustrated hand through her hair.

"Would you like some help?" Moony asked her softly. Allison's eyes flick to him and her face fills with relief.

"That would be wonderful." She breathes. Remus gave Allison a small smile and moved closer to her.

"See, those are marriage lines, head lines, life lines, and so on. When they are angled in certain ways it means different things. Here, let me see your palm." Remus said. Allison held out her hand and Remus leaned in, holding her hand in his.

"You see how your head line is kinda long and deep?" Moony traced the line with his index finger. Allison nodded watching his movements.

"That means that you're an intelligent person, excellent memory, and you are pretty sensible. It's also sort of curved, so that means you're a romantic and creative." Remus smiled. Allison giggled, not being able to tell if he was flirting or not.

"Let me see yours." Allison says. Remus gives her his hand and she spread out his palm.

"So, yours is long, sort of faint, and...goes up." Allison observed. She looked into her book and read out of the pages.

"So the length means that you're pretty open and warm. The faintness means you're aloof and the curve up means you have a strong interest in the opposite sex." Allison stated. Next to Remus, James was snickering.

"At least we know that you're not gay." James says with a smile. Remus rolled his eyes and took James's hand.

"The shortness of yours indicates that you are unimpressive in bed." Remus countered, feeling proud of himself. From the table next to them, Padfoot and Wormtail were laughing hysterically. James punched Remus in the shoulder, but that didn't stop his snickering. Allison was trying hard to contain her laughter along with Lily. They only finally shut up when the professor told them to hush.

Across from the table, Allison was still trying not to laugh, which made Remus happy. Although, when they still couldn't keep quiet, the six of them were given detention, which shut them right up.

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