Chapter 9

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Remus walked into the Great Hall tiredly and he shuffled over to the Marauders. Among them he saw a head of golden hair and smiled to himself. He couldn't deny it anymore. He was crushing on Allison.

He was amazed by her kindness. She was beautiful, funny, smart. She had a soft voice that he could listen to all day, a dazzling smile, kind eyes, rounded curves. She was perfect.

Allison was joking around with Padfoot when she saw Remus shuffling toward him. She forgot about the conversation she was having and she watched as Remus came and took a seat beside her.

"You're looking much better." She complimented.

"It was the chocolate. Thanks so much for that by the way. It was real sweet if you Allison." Remus said. Allison loved the way he said her name.

"You're welcome." Allison blushed. Padfoot nudged Prongs so that he'd see the exchange between the two. They smile and snicker with each other.

Remus glances up at the two before he composes himself. Allison too noticed that they were being watched and she took a sip of her pumpkin juice. Remus scooped some scrambled eggs into his plate and took a bite, he notices her leg was brushing up against his.

Allison noticed to and she lightly nudged his leg. Remus thought at first she wanted him to move his leg, but he nudged her back and they give each other sideways glances, smiling.

"What are we doing today?" Lily broke the silence. They couldn't go to Hogsmede and nobody wanted to spend Sunday morning doing homework.

"How 'bout the lake?" Prongs suggested.

"Great idea! We can do some swimming while it's still warm." Padfoot grinned. It was mid-August and the perfect temperature.

Allison wasn't opposed to the idea of swimming, but she wasn't thrilled about it either. She in fact loved to swim, but when she did it was never in front of her love interest. But instead of being self-conscious, she decided that this was her chance to show off.

Remus was excited to go swimming, he'd only put his feet in the water, because he didn't want anyone to see his scars, but he was still going to have fun.

Since Allison didn't think to bring a  bathing suit with her, she had to make do with what she had. She left the Hufflepuff common room in high rise, beige shorts, a white crop top, and brown, old thongs that were too big for her feet. 

The Marauders were all in swimming trunks, ready to get in the water. Remus however, wore his usual clothing, planning on rolling up his pants so that he could put his feet in the water. Lily had on her swimsuit beneath her dress. James was anxious to see her in the water. Allison then met up with the Marauders, taking in Remus's form.

"You're not swimming?" She asks. Remus shook his head.

"I don't know how to swim." He lied. The Marauders knew why he wouldn't get in the water and wouldn't pressure him to.

"That's alright. At least you came." Allison smiles. Remus smiled back. She looked good. He admired the smooth skin of her belly and her round bum and thighs as she walked.

They walked through some trees that had bright green leaves and they saw bunnies hopping away.

"What's your favorite color?" Remus asks randomly.

"I don't have a favorite. I think that they are all beautiful." She smiles.

"What about you?" She inquired.

"I like brown. 'Cause it's the color of chocolate." Remus said happily. Allison giggled lightly and bumped her shoulder into him. Remus stumbled to the side nearly fell, but Allison grabbed his bicep pulling him back. However, she pulled him too hard.

Miserable Without You (Harry Potter: Remus LupinXOC)Where stories live. Discover now