Chapter 3

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It was now time for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Both Remus and Allison we excited to get to class. Remus walked there with the other Marauders. They were being rambunctious as usual, Remus and Peter being the quiet ones.

Allison walked in alone and she took a seat towards the back. She pretends to read her book as she waited anxiously for Remus to walk through that door.

Then she hear rowdy voices and she looked up to see the boys from the train, Remus among them. Remus scanned the classroom for Allison and when their eyes met he gave her a crooked smile, which she returned with a wave.

Allison was about to say something, but was interrupted when a Gryffindor girl, with flaming red hair came up to her.

"May I sit here?" She asks in a sweet voice.

"Of course." Allison smiled. The girl plopped down into the seat next to her and pulled out her book.

"Oh, I'm Lily by the way. Lily Evans." She beamed.

"Allison Garner." The two of them shook hands. In front of them, were two of the infamous Marauders. Prongs and Padfoot.

"Evans! Fancy seeing you here." James joked. Lily merely rolled her eyes at the boy and ignored him.

"This one here is the bane of my existence." Lily whispers to Allison, which made her giggle.

"And who might you be?" Padfoot asks charmingly.

"Allison Garner." She answered.

"Sirius Black." He smirks as he held out his hand. Allison reached over the desk and took his hand.

"James Potter." The boy next to him introduces himself. He had a very thick accent and a deep voice that went well together.

Across from the row, Remus couldn't help but feel jealous. He was watching two of his best friends flirt with the pair of girls. Then he saw Sirius point over to him and Allison's eyes met his.

"I've already been acquainted with Remus." She smiles sweetly over to him. He was captivated by her smile. Her cheeks glowed red, her lips where a beautiful pink, and her eyes were dazzling.

Then class started and Remus turned his attention to the new Dark Arts professor. He heard James and Sirius talking about the girls and he scrunched up his nose. Remus did his best to stay focused on the professor, but every once in awhile, he would look over to see Allison.

Her skirt rode up and he could see her thighs that contrasted to the dark wood of the chair. She had her sleeves rolled up and she would tuck her hair behind her ear whenever it fell into her face. She was beautiful. Remus turned back to the front, trying to shake thoughts of the girl out of his head, but it seemed to be impossible.

Allison looked at the boy across her her occasionally. His hair stuck up and was messy, but it didn't have any knots in it. His skin was pale and contrasted with the dark robes. His nose was manly, which is something she thought was weird of her to notice, and he had long limbs. He was at least a head taller than her, which she found attractive.

"So, what is it you like to do?" Lily asks Allison. Lily wanted to get to know the kind girl more.

"Like to pass the time? I love to read. That's usually how I spend my off time." Allison answered simply.

"That can't be it! That's all you really do?" Lily asks in disbelief. Allison nods hesitantly to the red-head and Lily scoffs.

"Okay, next Hogsmede weekend, we are going to get to know each oth-"

"Miss Evans, have you got something you want to say to the class?" The teacher called. Lily shook her head.

"Well then I suggest you hush!" The professor said harshly. Lily nodded and glare at the two boys in front of her laughing.

"Potter! Black! You too!" He hollered. Now it was time for the girls to laugh. Across from the row, Moony was amused. He loved the way Allison tried to conceal her smile. Then her eyes met his and Remus quickly turned to face the front.

Soon, the class was over. Lily and Allison walked together, the Marauders not far behind them. Allison was off to Potions and the Gryffindors had Transfiguration.

"Potter is always after me. Makes me wish I wasn't a Gryffindor so we wouldn't have all our classes together." Lily huffed.

"I heard him on the train. He can't really be that awful." Allison says.

"You have no idea how bad he actually is. All he does is play pranks on Severus, an old friend of mine. Honestly, his only appeal is that he's handsome. He goofs off during class with his buddies and seeks to make everyone else's life a living hell." She ranted.

Even though neither of them new it, someone took a special interest in their conversation. Remus listened intently, straining his ears in the bustling crowd.

Remus had called it. He had figured that's why Lily was so indifferent toward James. He looked over to his friend sadly. James had of course been one of the dearest friends to Remus. He was the one who came up with the idea to for the other Marauders to become Animagi to accompany him during the full moon.

He would have loved to take the Wolfsbane potion to relieve himself of some of the effects of lycanthropy and sleep through it, but Remus could not afford it nor the ingredients. Not that he was skillful enough in Potions to brew it anyways.

So his friends would watch over him in animal form, when Remus couldn't hurt them. Moony was told in the mornings after the full moon how he wanders the Forbidden Forest and occasionally encounters another werewolf, forgetting that he could remember the nights events. That wasn't really anything special.

"Come on we have to hurry! McGonagall will give us detention if we're late." Wormtail cries. The Marauders all rush to their class, Lily ahead of them. Allison walked alone with her books held tightly in her arms.

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