Chapter 11

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Remus sat in the Gryffindor common room, on the couch, in front of the fire, surrounded by his friends.

"You have to go in there and kiss her. Don't say anything just kiss her. The ladies love sappy romance. Maybe make it rain in the library." Padfoot suggested, Wormtail nods approving.

"No! That's rubbish. Moony, you need to tease her. Go in there and make her want you. Casually breathe on her neck, brush your sleeve against hers, that kinda thing." Prongs said.

"Well that hasn't exactly worked out with Lily." Padfoot joked.

"Shut up. I had to take a different approach with her." Prongs defended. Sirius and Peter snicker, but Remus was still confused about what he should do.

"I need some ideas about how I should, y'know...proceed." Remus huffed.

"Alright mate, go in there, look nice, but not like you tried, and do some teasing and flirt and all that garbage. You'll do great!" Padfoot gave him a hard pat on the back, but Remus still felt like he didn't have any idea what to do. He needed expert advice.

Lily was walking through the common room, with a friend of hers, and James called to her.

"Evans! Come over here for a sec." He called.

"What do you want James?" She sighed.

"Well," James started in a deep voice.

"Can you help me?" Remus interrupted. Prongs sent him a look, but was ignored.

"With what?" The redhead inquired.

"I,uh- I want to impress Allison. I'm supposed to tutor her tonight after diner and I need to know what to do." Remus said truthfully.

Lily smiled widely. This was great! They liked each other! Lily moved in front of Remus and stood in front of him scrutinizing him. Remus was completely still, sitting straight as his body would allow.

"Take your sweater vest off and stand up." She ordered. James felt a little jealous at that. He had always imagined her saying that to him. Remus obeyed and removed the vest, standing up.

"Untuck your shirt." Lily said. Remus did that.

"Roll up your sleeves." She says. Remus shook his head.

"Why not?" Lily asks.

"I have hairy arms." He lied. It was really because of the scars on his arms. Lily grimaces.

"Yeah, keep those sleeves down." Lily was not a fan of hairy arms! James took note of this.

Lily reached up and ruffles Remus's hair, loosened his tie, unbuttoned his collar, and pinched his cheeks to bring some color to his pale skin.

"There. I think I'm done." She nods, satisfied with her work.

"You look smashing mate." Prongs compliments. Remus smiled and looked at his reflection in a nearby window. He looked good.

Allison waited for Remus in the library. She was sitting patiently, reading a muggle book she loved. Then he walked in.

She felt heat rise to her cheeks when she saw his handsome face. His disheveled hair, unbuttoned collar, and, oh God, those eyes. They seemed to glow in the dim light.

"Hi." She said speechless.

"Hi." He said awkwardly. There was a moment of silence before they got down to business. She got her parchment, quill, and inkwell out. He took a seat next to her at a table and leaned forward, reading what she had written so far.

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