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It had been exactly one year since graduation. Allison often thought back to her school days and was reminiscing now.

"What are you thinking about?" Remus asked from beside her. They were lying in bed of their room, curtesy of the Order.

"When I first got sorted. I was so scared. I didn't know what to do, where to look.... It was all so new to me." She explained; being muggle born limited her in the beginning, but she got used to the life.

"We're you glad that you got sorted into Hufflepuff?" Remus inquired, tracing circles on her palm.

"Yeah. I'm certainly glad I wasn't Slytherin, seeing how they all turned out." She said solemnly.

"I don't think you have it in you to be so conniving." Remus hummed.

"Really? I can be vile if I really want to." Allison countered.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Remus challenged.

"Game on." Allison smirked. She got up and started to go through the drawers of their dresser, searching. Remus watched her with a slight smirk. She was only in one of his t-shirts and her underwear. Her hair was flowing down her back and her Allison's skin shinned in the morning light.

"Ah-ha!" She exclaimed triumphant. "Who's the vile one now?" She said, spinning around and holding out one of Remus's most prized possessions. An awkward photo of Allison.

She was either about to sneeze or cough and Sirius had been the one to snap the picture. Her nose was scrunched up, baring her teeth, one of her eyes was closed and the other was almost closed. It was awful. Allison hated it and she had only let Remus keep it because he literally begged her.

"No Alli. Please don't." He said with wide eyes. Remus honestly loved the picture. He thought that Allison was positively adorable and cherishes the awkward moment.

"Then you have to say that I'm an awful person." She joked.

"I don't know if this is a trick question or not." He whined. Her response was a quirk of her brow and cocking her hip.

"You're absolutely awful. Please don't hurt my picture." He pleaded, getting out of bed.

"Since you asked so nicely." Allison shrugged, setting the photo down. "But, what do I get in return?" She asks alluringly. Remus smirked, his eyes trailing down her body.

"Well," He started, moving in, placing his hands on her hips. Remus's hot breath tickled Allison's skin and she shuttered. "What do you want?" He asks. Allison hummed.

"I want you to kiss me. And I don't mean just a peck; I mean a really kiss." She demands. Remus was happy to oblige.

He dipped his head down, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss, like Allison wanted. She could snog all day with him. His lips were smooth against her and she sucked on his bottom lip, biting him playfully. He moaned into her mouth and his hands found their way to her rear. Allison fisted her hands in his hair.

Things were starting to get heated when they hear a knock at the door and they quickly pull away from one another. Allison ducked in the corner so as not to be seen as she is. Her hair was messy, her lips were swollen, not to mention her lack of trousers. Remus opened the door, being fully clothed, and found Peter on the other side of the door.

"There's gonna be a meeting downstairs in ten minutes." He said.

"Thanks Pete." Remus responded before closing the door. He turned back to Allison with a slight frown. "I guess we have to get ready." He pouted.

Allison, because she felt like it, pounced on him and pushed him onto the bed, it creaking under their weight. She straddled his hips and leaned down kissing him hard.

Remus was quiet surprised, but he didn't object. He rested his hands on her bottom and kissed her back, but then she removed herself as quickly as she got there. Remus huffed and got up after her, grabbing her by the waist and spinning her around for one last kiss. She was starting to kiss back when he pulled away.

"You're the one who said we needed to get ready." She taunted.

"Hush." He said defeated. Allison smirked and moved to the dresser, pulling on some trousers and changing into one of her own shirts. Remus replaced his pajamas with jeans and then they fix their hair and compose themselves before walking out, holding hands.

They ran down to the kitchen to grab a bread roll and some orange juice before they met in the dinning room for the meeting.

Albus watched his former students fill the room. Most of them had found love amongst themselves over the past year. He knew that they were headed for war and that that may cause issues along the way, but he knew that he couldn't control their lives. Once everyone was inside, he began his debriefing.

"As you all know, we are very well outnumbered." He began. "The reason I have brought you here today is so that I could send you out into the word so that you might find witches and wizards who might side with us." He said. Dumbledore continued on to tell them that they were going to go all over the world to find magic folk and recruit them.

Allison and Remus listened closely as to where they'd be going. He got around to them and said that they'd be going to see about recruiting others like them. He didn't phrase it like that so not to raise suspicion, but he got the message across that they were going to find other werewolves.

Once the meeting was over, Dumbledore headed off to go wherever he usually goes. Allison and Remus went over to their friends and they talked. Sirius and Peter were going to some small wizarding communities so that they might convince the folk who had hopefully not been tainted by the Dark Lords empty promises and James and Lily were going to the Ministry to hopefully sway some of the members to join their cause.

They talked about how nervous they were but they were glad to be doing something to stop the tyrant. They had small talk about their interests and other irrelevant things. James was sassy as ever, Lily bashful, Sirius was a joker, Peter was shy, Remus was the one who corrected them on their grammar all the time, and Allison wasn't sure where she fell into their group. Maybe the one who was like the mum?

After they caught up on everything, Allison and Remus returned to their room to pack. They decided to travel light and only took a weeks worth of clothes and other necessities. They packed wizard and muggle money and they took snacks for the road before they went to say goodbye to everyone, deciding to get an early start on their assignment.

Remus and Allison apparated to a rural area with tall grass that blew in the wind and cottages that dotted the rolling hills.

They both caught the scent of their brethren and they look at each other before they adjust their packs and set off, holding hands.

Miserable Without You (Harry Potter: Remus LupinXOC)Where stories live. Discover now