Chapter 3

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It was Monday this was our last month of school for the year. Lizzy showed up early enough to sit in the library and read her book. After about fifteen minutes of reading Lizzy got a text from Mason. It said:

Mason: im lost where r u? im soooo lost.

Me: sure lol where r u?

Mason: by the office

Me: k be there in a minute

Lizzy cleaned up her mess from the library, walked out the door, and walked through the hallway. She turned left after that hallway to get to the commons. She saws Mason sitting at a table and went to go and get him to give a tour. "Hey."

"Hey, Lizzy."

"Come on, I'll show u the rooms you need to know..what's your schedule?"

Mason then gave Lizzy his schedule that he got from the school in the mail. He had:

1st hour---physical science
2nd hour---gym
3rd hour---Spanish
4th hour---English
5th hour---lunch
6th hour---Art
7th hour---communications
8th hour---Algebra

"Nice! We have four classes together. I have physical science, English, art, and algebra with you."


Lizzy took Mason on a tour of where his classes r it took them fifteen minutes to finish. It was now 7:30 am. Lizzy showed him his locker. His locker was about eleven lockers to the right of mine. Mason got his combination in the letter that he got his schedule was in. Mason put his books and book bag in his locker. Mason and Lizzy where at their lockers, they made eye contact and Mason wanted to say something but got interrupted by James getting in the way.

"Hey, what are you doing this Friday night?" James asked with a plan.

"Nothing much.. Probably binge watching Netflix. Why?" Lizzy questioned.

"I was thinking you wanted to have movie nights."

"Sure sounds fun. When?" Lizzy said carrying her books in her arms while shutting her locker door.

"Maybe this Friday.."

"Well duh.. You said 'what are you doing this Friday.' I kinda figured out this Friday. What time Friday?"

"Around 8 O'clock, I'll pick you up, to come to my house."

"K, sounds like fun. What movie?"

"Dunno we'll pick when we get there."


James walked away and Dani came running to Lizzy and smacked her on the butt.

"Oh my! I hate you!"

"You love me! Sooo much."

"Yea I do."

They both laughed and walked into the lab to hang out for a little bit.

"I saw you and James talk, whatcha talking about with him. Tell me tell me." Dani said with excitement.

"We are gonna have a movie night this Friday."

"Oohh really?!"

"Yea, it's not that big of a deal, we are just friends noting more." Lizzy says while Dani is starring at her.

"I SWEAR!" Lizzy said.

"He likes you he basically asked you out on a date."

"No he didn't.. Well maybe. But we are still just friends, if something happened between us and something bad happened we wouldn't be friends anymore it would be awkward between us.. Sooo nothing is gonna happen between us."

"Ookay..whatever you say."

Lizzy stared at Dani and wanted to say something else, but she was saved by the bell to go to first class.

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