Chapter 7

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Jason was the one who was moving next door me. All of us are neighbours to each other. Early Monday morning I showed Jason around school. Not too long after Mason showed up to school. I showed Jason to his locker and classes, Mason came along and hanged it with us until half hour bell rang, which indicates there is a half hour until school starts. Jason was in the same class we were in. He also had a few classes with all three of us. All of us had a few classes with each other. Which was Science, Art, English, and math.

I started looking around for James, he's usually here by now. We three sat down in the computer lab I did my homework also did Mason. It was almost 8:00 a.m.

"Who are you looking for?" Asked Jason.

"Jason, he's usually not late at all. He's usually here by half hour bell." I asked.


I sighed and went to my locker and got my books for first class. "What's your schedule Jason?"

"Here," Jason handed me his schedule. It said:

Physical science

"Sweet." I said.

The first bell rang I shut my locker and started walking to my first class, but I heard my name being called by someone. I let Mason and Jason go to class without me. I walked up to James. The hallways were nearly empty. "Why are you so late you haven't been here this late in forever," I asked him. "Why are you so sweaty?"

"I had to do some you know what stuff, that's why I'm sweaty also."

"Okay, you should go hit the shower before going into class." I suggested. Once he walked away I saw Thomas (Thamuz) at the end of the hallway.

The second bell rang and he walked up to me and said, "you better choose your friends wisely they aren't all as they seem."

I walked to class frightened what did he mean by that. I was tardy for that class. Mr. Brandon is cool. Since I didn't get much tarried he let me go on this one. I sat down next to Lilli cause Mason and Jason are partners at there own desk. They sat behind us.

Once English came around I was getting nervous considering that's the only class I have with Thomas. I sat down at my seat, also did everyone else. I told everyone about what Thamuz said to me this morning. They all were quiet and didn't know what to say. They are all my best friends and they didn't know what he met by that. Mr. League had us set up for jeopardy this period. He had us in two teams. After the game we had about 20 minutes left on the class. Lilli, James, Mason, Jason, and I were sitting a group talking. Once the bell rang everyone rushed out the door and went to their lockers to go to the cafeteria. I put my folder and books in my locker and headed to the lunch room with James. James's phone rang and gave a worried look and hung up. "Wha-whats wrong?" I asked.

"Its my damn father, he wants me to meet him after school. He wants me to get caught up with everything." He started to say.

"Like what?"

"I can't say.. It's confidential,"


" well I'll catch up with u a little later after lunch..ok?"

"K, I hope I can meet your father."

James started to walk away while he mumbled something like, "no you don't.."

I walked to the cafeteria confused. We told everything to each other. Lately he hasn't been very talkative. I sat down at my seat and everyone was there. There was only enough seats for the girls and me. Mason, Jason, and James sat down with each other with some other classmates. I started eating and my friends kept asking what's going on with James and I.

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