Chapter 10

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"D..di..did you just say hell? We are in hell?!" I asked him weirded out.

"Yes, but we got a lot more to worry about." He pointed at a floating projector that I could see...two guys. They were Mason and Jason. Their shirts were soaked with sweat. They were sitting on a platform type thing. Before I could see where they were at James pulled me to him.

"Oh. My. God. that um..them?" I was worried and terrified for what would happen to them. " do we get there. How do we get to where they are."

"I haven't been here in a long time and I've been here since I moved to my house, I've only been here a few times." He told me leading me to a hall way. "This way. I think. I hope.. Well hope not."

"Why not hope not?"

"Cause then they'll be in a big situation."

James led me to four other hallways we ran until James led me down to a staircase. When we got close to it, it got warmer and warmer.

"I must warn you it's gonna get really hot," James warning me.

He then opened the doors and there was a simple iron bridge. The bridge connected to a platform, But surrounding it was lava. There was about a twenty foot drop from the top of the platform to the lava. There what looked like a fifteen foot gap between the outside wall and the edge of the platform. The room was made of all stone and dirt. There what looked like a few openings on the walls but there was no bridges to go to them. The platform had some rocks peaking out of it to like shield your self if you needed to.

We both started to walk in and I had a really bad feeling about this...

Once I walked on to the platform I saw Mason and Jason. They weren't sitting on the platform anymore. I saw that they were hooked up to chains hanging from the ceilings. They were just dangling there lifeless. There was just a small platform connected to the chains so they could some what sit but couldn't fully. The ceiling what looked like about 40 feet high. Jason and Mason looked about half way from the ceiling if not less. We couldn't reach them even if we tried.

Their shirts weren't just soaked with sweat anymore. The shirts now were ripped and they were bleeding. They were beaten up badly. They looked so bad it horrified me to even look at them.

"We gotta get them down!" I pleaded to James.

"I don't know how..we could break the chains but we couldn't reach them they are too far from the edge," James said.

"Okay, fine we-" I was cut off by Thamuz appearing in the middle of the platform.

I was so pissed off I naturally shifted to my battle cloths. My bow appeared in my hands and my quiver and arrows appeared on my back. The quiver strapped around my chest. James saw me angry and he didn't want me getting hurt so he stopped me. I then pushed him out of the way. I grabbed an arrow and aimed at Thamuz. I looked at the head of the arrow and I made it light up with ice crystals. I then aimed and fired. He was too fast and moved, well he disappeared. The arrow just stuck to the wall it landed on.

I turned around and Thamuz held be up against him. I tried to get out of it. He then took a knife and held it to my neck. I stopped immediately. I then took my hands and held onto Thamuz's arm that was holding the knife.

"Wait! Don't do anything..please! I beg you.." James cried out to his father.

"You beg? Do you?" Thamuz said with a smirk.

"I..I..I lo..I love her..." James stuttered, I went wide eyed.

"You do, do you? Well.. If your girlfriend will do what she's told then everything will be okay." Thamuz then dragged me to the edge of the platform to the side where Mason and Jason are at. I squealed and tried to wiggle my way out but his grip was too strong for me. Thamuz used magic on his son and made him stay where he was. Thamuz then used some magic to wake Mason and Jason.

Jason and Mason looked down at us and realized it was us. There faces when they saw that I was half off the edge terrified everyone. Well except for Thamuz obviously. I tried to get a good grip on on his arm so I could at least say something.

"If you drop me I fall, if I fall no magic, no magic you can't be more powerful." I said confidently.

Thamuz then gave me a smirk and said, "I know, I wasn't going to drop you of course, I just need you to get up to 100%. All you have to do is save your friends it would be much measier for you to get up faster... What percent are you at? Let's see..27%. Your getting faster and stronger than your other friends. Your different a lot different."

While he was talking I just kept eye contact with Mason and Jason. I looked down a few times to try to have my feet placed so I wouldn't fall off.

Thamuz then let go of me pushing me towards the middle of the platform. I then hit my back onto a rock or something that's topped me. I slowly got up.. And James was there to pick me up.

"Do you have any ideas?" James suggested.

"We are open for them," Mason shouted to us.

"I think I might," I said.

"What is it? Cause you know we are kinda hurting right now." Jason said.

"Yea these chains hurt so much," Mason said.

"We'll get you down soon." James said.

I then looked up and smiled a little bit. I then grabbed my bow from the ground. I then looked at Mason's chains that held him up. I heated my arrow head, aimed, and let go.

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