Chapter 8

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I thought from my friends talking at lunch today they had something to do with it. So I asked James

"Did my friends have anything to do with this?"

"Yes, and no. I asked them about how you felt about it, they thought neutral about it. So I went with gut instinct and went for it."

"I'm glad you did." I said and I blushed.

"I'm glad too."

We sat at the base of the tree that's in the middle. We then held hands which felt weird. I leaned on him with my head in his shoulder. We talked for hours it seemed, once we got to a pause it felt like I was really sleepy. I then fell asleep...

I woke up to James carrying me to his truck.

"What's going on?"

"Thamuz he found us, even though it wasn't hard for him."

"Put me down."

"Oh..right sorry."

He put me down.

"Why did I fall asleep? I wasn't tired then all of a suddenI was tired and fell."


"You know something I don't.. What is it?" I said with concern.

"I'll tell you later promise."

We then went to his house. We had lots of homework to do, so we decided to do it together. James forgot something in his truck and he went to go get it. He asked me to get his homework from his room when I saw books under his bed. I went to get them and I saw dark and light magic. 'Why would he have dark magic in here?' I thought.

He walked in on me and said. "Snoop much?" He said with a smile.

"No I saw the books I thought they were the school. Why didn't you share these with me and Mason."

" I was gonna once I was done with them."

"But dark?" I let out a slight laugh.

"To learn about dark magic so I can know what Thamuz and his gang of creeps are good at."

We then went down stairs back on the couch with his coffee table full of homework and books laid down on it. I then fell asleep on my books with a pencil between my fingers. 


I woke up to a messed up living room. I was in a corner my arm bleeding a little. The the leather couch was pushed up against the wall the papers were flown everywhere. There was glass shattered. There was burn marks on the walls. I got up and I groaned in pain. How did not wake up in this mess. What happened I wondered and I walked to the front door. I tried to look for James but I couldn't see him. I went behind his house. I saw James and Thamuz fighting. They didn't realize that was there.

"Boy, stop fighting it!" Thamuz said throwing a fireball at James.

"I'm never joining you, are you kidding me?!" James blocked the fireball, and threw ninja stars at Thamuz.

'Why would James ask that? Why would Thamuz want him to come with him?' I thought to my self.

Thamuz turned bright red and turned into flames but still had his body there.

"COME ON SON! Your stronger here!" Thamuz yelled.

With my one hand I had a ice crystals in a ball and threw it Thamuz he ducked but some crystals hit him and and hurt him. He then disappeared. It was just James and I. He was all sweaty and tired. He was hurt and had a cut on his right leg. He walked over to me with a worried look. I didn't know what to think. James was Thamuz's son. He had a worried look on his face, because I had a tense face. He hugged me and I hugged him. I felt safe in his arms but I didn't feel safe. I walked him in the house and cleaned his wound and my wound. He knew I grew angrier when I started to comprehend this. My eyes felt dark orange-reddish. "I can tell that your mad at me." He told me.

"Really?! I can't hide my feelings..not like you cause you can hide huge secrets."

"I'm sorry I really wanted to tell you. I swear!"

I dabbed my wash clothe in some hydrogen peroxide and pressed the cloth against his wound hard enough that he screamed a little.

"Jeez! What was that for?"

"What do you think?" I asked in a serious tone.

After I bandaged his wound and mine, I left him on the couch, and picked up the rest of my homework that was on the ground and slammed the door behind me when I left. Jason and Mason was hanging out around the three trees in my yard. They saw I was mad. My eyes was still orange-reddish.

"What's wrong?" Mason said in a concerned voice.

"James, that's what's wrong! You know that his father is never around..yea, there's a reason for that. It's because he's technically hunting for four teenagers...James's father is Thamuz..let that soak in for a bit." My eyes turned bright red when I told them.

I turned around and went towards the the field. I was so mad at him for not telling me. I saw a figure in the trees it was Thamuz he smirked at me. He even warned me that one of my friends wasn't who they said they were. I wanted to kill Thamuz so badly. Thamuz then disappeared. I kept walking towards the trees, and I heard James calling my name.

"James.. You had 3 years to tell me this."


"No," I cut him off. "I won't be mad forever, give me some space and I'll be okay." And I kept on walking.

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