Chapter 11

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ABBIE hugged Ryan tightly. “Good luck in London, Ry,” she said. “I know you’ll do great.”

      “Thanks,” Ryan replied. “I’m glad I got to see you before next week.”

      ”You can thank Michael for that.”

      “I will,” he said, giving her another hug. He held it a beat longer than he should have, taking in the scent of her, feeling his heart rate rise. No, he told himself. He couldn’t start this again. Not when everything was back to normal. Sort of.

      With great effort, Ryan pulled back and kissed the top of Abbie’s head when they let go. But he was reluctant to leave first, even though he knew that Abbie would want to say a private goodbye to Michael, who had been waiting patiently by the balcony’s edge. 

      “I’ll call you when I get back, ok?” Abbie told him.

      “You better,” he answered. He glanced quickly at Michael and then finally said, “I’ll just, um, wait by the door, then.” He willed his feet to take him to the living room, leaving the two alone.

      Abbie watched him go, wondering if he was as all right as he let them think. She knew Ryan well enough to know when he was not completely ok. But it was Michael that should be getting her attention now, so she walked up to where he was standing by the railing and took the spot next to him. “Have I thanked you properly yet?” she asked, a bright smile lighting up her face.

      “It’s nothing,” he replied, keeping his gaze on the view. “I could tell you and Ryan were dealing with something and figured you two should talk before we go to London.”

      Abbie laid a hand on his arm and made him look at her. “Michael, I know you didn’t fly me to France so Ryan and I could talk,” she said. “And judging by the fact that the picnic we had was really only enough for two people, I’m guessing that today wasn’t meant to include him at all.”

      “It doesn’t matter.” Michael shrugged nonchalantly, as though he didn’t care that the day didn’t go as he hoped it would.

      Abbie giggled a little and shook her head. “You know you’re cute when you’re pretending to brush something off?” She reached up and ran her hand through his hair. “I don’t have to leave until the day after tomorrow. How about you and I go out to dinner tomorrow night? Just you and me.”

      Michael smiled. “Just you and me?”

      Bracing herself with a hand on each of Michael’s strong shoulders, Abbie lifted herself up on her toes. “Just you and me,” she confirmed, and kissed him on the cheek.

      Ryan stood by the front door, closing his eyes and letting his head hit the wall behind him. He didn’t realise the night wind would carry Abbie’s and Michael’s voices through the open balcony doors. Hearing them gave him a strong desire to throw a chair through a window.

      The drive back felt twice as long to Ryan. He never said a word. Michael, who had a goofy smile on his face, didn’t even notice. When they got back to their hotel, it was all Ryan could do not to bolt straight out of the car and into the elevators. But that, Michael would probably notice, and Ryan didn’t really want to ruin his friend’s good mood. Not after what he did for him, giving up a day alone with Abbie, which for some reason, Ryan guiltily took pleasure in.

      It wasn’t until they were lying in their beds that Ryan said anything. One arm behind his head, the other on his stomach, Ryan wished Carter was there for comfort. “Hey, Mike?” he called out into the dark.

      “Yeah?” Michael answered. Ryan could almost hear the smile in his voice.


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