Chapter 3

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I awake to my alarm screeching.I get up. I pick out a shirt and a clean pair of pants that were neatly stacked on the floor. The shirt I selected was my Dallas Texas football t-shirt, probably not the best choice, my pants were baggy blue jeans, the Texas vibe. I changed and dragged myself to the bathroom. I brushed my hair, teeth, and put a tiny bit of mascara on my daily routine. I grabbed a simple backpack since we hadn't gone real "school shopping" yet. I put my binder and some random book hoping we'd get to read sometime in the day.

"Mom, time to get up." I say

"5 minutes." She grumbled

"Its 6:54 get up." I pull the covers off her.

"Fine." She get up and goes to her room and changed into her scrubs with two pockets in the front. Her hair was parted perfectly down the middle." Am I driving you?" She asks

"Yeah, i guess so." I say, I'm not getting on the bus on the first day on school. We got outside and got in the car. We got to school.

"Here incase you need to buy something." Mom handed me 20 bucks.

"Thanks" I hopped out of the car and, walked brainlessly around campus looking for the blake boys. Right then I spotted Danny. I ran up to him and all his friends

"Hey Danny do you know where the office is?" I ask

"Yeah, from here you go into the building take a left and keep going straight untill you see a sign saying office" He says

"Thanks." I say walking backwards. In that process, I accidentally ran into someone.

"I'm SO sorry." I say trying to help him up. Good going there and you already fell.

"It's okay, I'm Ben by the way." He says

"I'm X." He looked like he'd had never seen a girl in his life

"Cool name, you're the new girl right?" He asks

"Yeah, I was on my way to the office." I say

"Would you like me to take you to the office? The office ladies love me" He bragged

"Sure." We both get up and start to walk. Everyone was starring, and whispering to each other.

"Why are they staring?"I question. Someone whistled.

"I don't know, people are strange" He says automatically.

"Okay." We get to the office and one kid was sitting in a chair crying. Ben just ignored him. He went to the front desk

"Hey Mrs. Dyan! How has your day been?" He charmed the office workers

"Hello Ben, I've been pretty good. So why are you here?" She asks with question in her voice.

"X was wanting to sign in. She's the new girl. X, this is Mrs.Dyan."

"Hi, My names Alexandrea Johnston, And I'd like to sign in for my schedule."

"Okay honey, here is your schedule." She says printing it out. She hands it to me and we walk out the same boy crying still sat there.

"Okay first period I have History with Mrs.Hansen, Second I have Math with Mr.Marquez, Third Science with Mrs.Smoot, fourth is health/pe and thats with Mrs.Hazeltine and 5 and 6 period is Mr.Dean with ELA."

"We have Mrs.Hazeltine together." The entry bell rang. "I got to get going, don't wanna be late"

"Bye." We went our separate ways. I walked around 9th grade hall poking for locker 217. I would get shoved that way then the other way. I finally found 217 and the bell rang.

"Why aren't you in class" an older women yelled at me.

"I'm new and looking for my locker."

"Okay hurry up." She said walking away. I popped in the code 17-5-19 and threw everything in my locker and headed to class

~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~



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