Chapter 4

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I put everything in my locker and hurried to class. I opened the door slowly cautious about what they were doing. The teacher saw me and smiled.

"Class, welcome Alexandrea."

"I go by-"

"Alexandrea, we all know" She smiled brightly "Go sit by Austin in seat 27." Austin put up his hand. I slowly approached him.

"Okay, let's proceed talking about World War II." Ms.Hansen said loudly

"Hey were you the girl walking with Ben?" He asks

"Yes, Why?" I ask, I was walking with a guy it shouldn't matter to the world "Was I already making a bad impression of myself?"

"No, No, he's my best friend." He says. Thank God, I thought I was already done for.

"Why were people ohhh-ing?" I ask

"He's popular and new girls becoming popular the second they come isn't normal. They probably have ship names for you like Xen or Bex." A loud bell rang

"Single file lines everyone!" The teacher yells louder than the bell. We got in line, and "Calmly" walked out. People were squirming to get their phone out of their locker.

I tooke a deep breathe of air. All I could smell was Ash. Smelled just like if my dad was smoking again. This school was sorting by streets, I looked for 34th and spotted It and ran towards it. Danny, Justin, and Damon were talking.

"Hey." Justin says. He got a new haircut over night I guess.

"Hey." Damon also got a haircut

"I like the hair." I say

"Hey," He said, He was updating his Instagram. He took a picture of the school and captioned it Fire Alarm went off So Fun in 50°F

I just stood there silently watching everything

"So hows Life." Danny says

"Good, you?" I ask

"Normal teenager life I guess"

"Justin, Did you text mom?" Danny asked

"No my phones still inside ask Damom"

"Okay. Damonn!" He whined in a playful way "Did you text mom and tell her?"

"No, are you really that impatient to get out of this hell?" He says and laughs a little

"Well I'm gonna miss my friends but not Mr.Bridges. "

"You're  getting home schooled?" I asked.

"Yep" He says

"Everyone go to 2nd period it was just a alarm, some kids smoking in the bathroom." Everyone walked back to class.

"Bye!" I yell to the guys, and I run off to Mr.Marquez for math.
So the time line is a little off sorry mate. (I'M TURNING INTO DUCKING JACK SPARROW)

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