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Hello, Dawn here

Before you embark on this journey, I decided to give you a little advice.

This book will hold excerpts of our PM (Paper Messaging) in class, weird little bits of dialogue, drawings, and little stories that we've written.

The main protagonists are:

Elzoma (aka El) is the best artist, and together with Rose they are also the craziest. Also a whovian.

Minako is the one you shouldn't cross - ever. (Do you want a knife in your chest?!). Yu-gi-oh fan.

Rose is the Directioner and definitely the craziest.

Dawn is the bookish one who basically holds everything together (I also have the best effing grammar)

This book will contain stories by us, dialogue, art, offensive language etc. and we'll update when something happens, so if you were expecting regular updates we'll have to disappoint you.

Now some of the stories to come are called the SCAN adventures. We write them in school, and it works like this: one of us gets a piece of paper and starts writing, then passes it to the next person who continues the story, and so on. The end result is usually messed up, pretty funny, messed up and very weird (did I mention messed up?).

The main characters correspond to us, and they are basically nicknames we gave each other and an exaggerated and partly made up personality.

Fischy corresponds to El. She got this nickname, because the first time Dawn saw her when they were both were 10 she thought she looked rather like a fish (though she didn't mention it) and also because she's a Nemo fan.

In the stories, Fischy has a boyfriend - the wall
(El: So he/it's my bf now? I don't get it.)

Askiri is the nickname for Rose, cuz on the list for our school skiing trip the teacher got her surname competely and utterly wrong (even after we corrected her), and it's now a class joke, and it's rather emphasised that Askiri is forever alone.

Kick-Ass is Minako's pseudonym. K-A basically just goes around stabbing people in the story (but don't worry - she's never actually killed anyone irl!)
Minako: *smirks* Oh you don't know me

Barney got stuck being Dawn's name, and is inspired by her coat and salopets she wore on the ski trip, because (according to Rose) they were the same colour as Barney the dinosaur from the kids' TV show. (We can be kinda obsessed with them)

Right, I think that's about it! *checks list* yup.

Good luck, see you on the other side.

- Dawn

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