Hello, we're SCAN
and we decided to give you look into what we get up to, because whether it's in school or in the bus or at home, we get up to some crazy shit.
So put on your safety goggles, don't wear your nice clothes, and off we go!
So today I was sitting in maths, and since we were just correcting homework for 45 minutes, I got bored.
Usually I just read or go on my tablet when this happens (I know I'm so reckless ;D) but today I didn't.
I started doodling, and this is what happened:
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It just happened.
It's like she just took over the paper, and I keep expecting to see her walk off the page.
Also, what's really funny, is that (idk if you can see it) there are little maths equations in the background. At first I was really careful not to draw on them, and towards the end I was just like: 'Yeah, f*ck it.'
And my neighbour, who was watching me draw, asked me if I was gonna leave any space, because half of the page was still empty, and I was like: 'Yeah, sure. I'll just put a little spout of grey, and write around it!'