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Hi so I found this one at home and realised this was the first proper SCAN Adventure (apart from Niall the Knight) so I posted it -R

Once upon a time SCAN went skiing with their class. So Barney put on her new costume, that looked the same as all her others just it was waterproof. And Kick-Ass was shaping her skies into knives . Askiri and Fischy decided to drive strait down the mountain because YOLO.

That's when Askiri drove into her Best Childhood Friend Snowkanon (Literally). Askiri and Snowkanon have had beautiful childhood memories together, like the time Snowkanon produced REALLY hard snow and Askiri tumbled into it and nearly got a concusion; because her ski fell on her head. Snowkanon and Askiri were talking about how beautiful her weddingdress was at her imaginary wedding with Niall, because she is Forever Alone.

Well, never leave Kick-Ass alone. She was now skiing down the mountain on her skies/knives and stabbing everyone in her way. Barney was making children happy(Not in the sexual way). And Fischy was alone on the skilift, singing " The Dickylein song" and shouting at random people :" Luke, I am your father".

Then Barney, being a dinosaur that could spit fire, coughed and accidently set fire to the children. The snow melted and Barney quickly ran away. Kick-Ass and Barney stabbed and incinerated everyone in the way, then went for lunch.

They found Askiri and Fischy again, because Fischy was cheating on her wall and was snogging the window of the restaurant. Kick-Ass stabbed the window.

Askiri went and got some Spagetti Bolonese. Even if she gets it at home everyday. During lunch Kick-Ass was thinking about how to kill everyone in the restaurant, Barney was singing her themesong and thinking about some random maths eqasions. Meanwhile askiri and Fischy were reanacting Titanic. Askiri as Rose and Fischy as Jack.

That's when a class of boys walked in. Barney changed her song to " I love you", Kick-Ass was thinking about how she was going to kill those boys, Fischy was doing her creepy stare and Askiri was thinking about how much cuter her imaginary husband Niall is , because she is Forever Alone. The boys took one glance at SCAN saw they were Fangirls and ran to the other side of the restaurant. Everyone in SCAN started to cry apart from Kick-Ass, because they all go to an all girls school and are scared of male creatures.

When they got back to their hotel, they all had showers , ALONE. Askiri even did a cover of "Shake it off" by Taylor Swift in the shower. But then got screamed at by Kick-Ass cause she hates the song. So Askiri  shut up and showered in silence.

 Later that evening Askiri and Fischy decided they were going to eat a whole packet of really sugary Sweets. They  got a sugar high. And what did they do while they where high, well they sat in the still wet shower ( with clothes on don't worry) and talked about life. Fischy made Askiri laugh too much (even if Askiri laughs at everything).

 Barney on the other hand was outside making snowbarneys and Kick-Ass was destroying everyones snowmen. She hated the snow , mainly because she was allergic to it, so she started to scream bad words at it. Apperently the snow heard what she said ,because all of a sudden some snow dropped down from the tree Kick-Ass was Standing under and covered her completly. Kick-Ass screamed so loud the People in Australia heard her.

And Barney just continued to make her Snowbarneys.

Over dinner SCAN was being weird again. Kick-Ass stuffed her face, Fischy and Askiri were making Druggie-Faces and Barney was screaming at Askiri to eat her Food.

Askiri decided she wasn't High anymore and because she was bored she went up to see the others. Barney, Fischy and Kick-Ass were on their phone, but sadly Askiri's phone broke a week before. So she didn't have a phone. The others told her she was not wanted.

 So Askiri went back to her room and cried for 3.000 years. But then the Doctor came and brought her back to her own time. Once the Doctor had left, she decided she was going to watch Sherlock, cause she likes seeing the dead bodies.

When the first episode was over Barney stormed  in and told her she had to pack, because the next day they were leaving. So Askiri took down her One Erection Posters she took with her and when they got home Fischy started to snog her wall.

                                                                                             THE END

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