Chap. 8

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Mark's POV

"Hey dude just chill your balls already. You've been like this all the day" Chase said entering the gym.

I was in my personal gym for don't know how long blowing all my anger on punching bag, but nothing seemed to cool me off. Thoughts of that nerd were building rage within me. Nobody, nor even professors had ever dared to disregard me but that nerd with minor existence defied my orders and disrespected me in front of everyone.

"Don't bother me dude. Can't you hear my head working" I said with irritation "Andy Davis or whatever the heck that girl is, I'll completely devastate her and make her kneel in front of me. That feisty nerd is gonna get a nice lesson for disrespecting me"

"Chill out dude don't think so mean for a poor girl. Whatever you're gonna do just go little bit easy over her" Chase requested me, that guy was seriously freaking me out this time, how could he feel concerned for a nerd who disrespected me.

I knew he was having a soft heart. He was always gentle with everyone. But that wasn't my kind of shit. I didn't find any point in feeling concerned for anyone. For me kindness, love, romance were just nuisance terms suited only in cliche movies or novels. Being heartless was what I only believed in.

"Have you lost your balls dude? How could you possibly be concerned for a nerd who disrespected your best friend?"I asked in annoyance.

"Its not like that-"

"Mark baby, where are you?" Chase was cutoff by a very irritating voice of Stephenie across the corridor.

She was daughter of my dad's business partner. She approached me in an event organised by her father. After that she flirted with me at every chance she got. I just ignored her. When I showed no interest she sweet-talked my grandmother and sister. She invited herself into our house whenever my grandmother or sister came. They didn't minded her much. Eventually she just assumed herself to be my girlfriend and started courting me actively. I got irritated and warned her not to bother me about her meaningless assumptions. After that her flirting reduced. She just came to our house once in a while. I didn't cared as long as she didn't pestered me.

"Have fun handling your girlfriend dude" Chase patted my back with a teasing gesture.

"Hey Chase" Stephenie greeted him at the entrance.

"Hey Stephenie, just go in there already, he's eagerly waiting for you" Chase said mockingly and went out. That idiot was really having a death wish.

"Baby don't be so angry, I'll teach that bitch a good lesson. If you allow me I can cool off your anger" she said flirtatiously approaching me.

"I'm not in a mood to listen to your crap. Just get lost," I glared at her.

"Alright, alright. I won't bother you today." She said raising her hands in a surrender gesture and went away.

I was lying in my bed trying to sleep for last two hours, but there wasn't a single trace of sleep in my eyes. Thoughts of that nerd were stuck in my mind. I never felt need to approach any girl in my life. I just had to stand there, and see them willingly throw themselves at me. She was the first ever girl to reject and disrespect me. I was now determined to make her regret her feisty ways.

Andy Davis you'll regret ever crossing paths with me.

Andy's POV

I was in a dark room lying in a bed. My hands and legs were tied up to the corners of the bed. I was trying very hard to free myself but every try resulted in a failed attempt. Suddenly the door bursted open and a dark figure appeared there. My heart-beats increased rapidly.

"Who are you and why have you kidnapped me? What do you want?" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Figure said nothing and started approaching me. Fear was consuming me badly. Now figure was impossibly close to me.

"You have rejected my offer nerd. But I get what I want." he whispered in my ears and open the bedside light.

"Don't dare to touch me you damned jerk." I was getting goosebumps but I managed to shout angrily. He was having an evil glint in his eyes. He didn't said anything and started unbuttoning my shirt. I was crying so hard but nobody was there to help me.

"You know what nerd-" beep beep beep beep.

I was sweating profoundly when my eyes abruptly open due to my alarm. It was the worst nightmare I ever had. Unlike the other days today I was grateful to my alarm for pulling me out of a nauseating dream.

I took a shower and got ready for the college. I was little scared but my determination was overcoming my fear. I went downstairs where my mum was preparing table for the breakfast.

"Andyyyy looook daddy haveee got me new Miss Lucy" my little brother came shouting excitedly. He was holding a cute fluffy white cat. I smiled and patted the cat, she purred. "Aww, she is adorable" I said and kissed his cheeks.

"Come honey have some breakfast. Should I drop you to college?" Mum asked putting breakfast on dining table.

"No mum I've told Clara to pick me up. I know you've to go to library" I replied eating breakfast.

Honk honk Car horn buzzed outside our house.

"I think she's here. Bye mum" I kissed her cheeks.
"Bye honey"

"Hey girl how's your ass" I asked jokingly approaching Clara's car.

"Scared as hell" she looked terrified.

"Don't worry girl I'm with you" I reassured her.

"I know and this is the reason I'm relieved a little, otherwise I haven't even came out of my house" she said truthfully.

After twenty minutes of ride we arrived at the college. By this time my fear and courage were having a furious battle. But I allowed my courage to kickoff my fear. I believed if we were right, we need not fear anyone.

As we reached near our lockers I was stunned. Clara gasped. My locker was broken and ruined with a red paint. My books were torn and thrown out of the locker. My anger flared but I composed myself and along with Clara started collecting torn pages from ground.

"Liked your surprise bitch?" a hot blonde girl said approaching us. Realisation sink in she was the one to pass insulting comment on me with her girlfriends. But what possessed her to ruin my locker and books. What did I ever do to her?

"You bitch how dare you to disrespect my boyfriend? Now I'll make your life living hell?" she said giving me a death glare. Now I understood, she was girlfriend of that asshole. I signaled Clara to go to the class. She was denying but I gave her a pleading look. She went away reluctantly.

"Hah, respect! Are you blind? That jerk don't deserve any respect. He is a bully who torments innocent students, so I suggest you to pull your head out of your ass and teach your boyfriend some manners" I paused for a while "Oh I'm sorry I forgot. How could you, when you don't possess any manners yourself." By this time she was burning in rage.

"You bitch" she tried to slap me but I grabbed her hand midway and slapped her.

"Don't bother me anymore or I'll ruin that pretty face of yours" I said warningly.

Her mouth was wide open with the shock while she was holding her cheek. She gave me one last murderous glare and stormed off. I collected all the pages from the ground and put them in my bag.

"Sometimes I do feel like a warrior." I said jokingly to myself while walking through the hallway.

Suddenly I was pulled to a class by someone. That someone was none other than devil himself.

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