Chap. 17

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"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Andy's POV

"Cheer up girl. What's up with you?" Clara's concerned voice pulled me out of my distasteful thoughts. I looked towards her. Her food was forgotten and she was looking at me with worried expressions now.

We were sitting in cafeteria with food tray in front of us, but my appetite was lost. It'll be a punishment you couldn't even imagine in your worst nightmares. My insides were trembling with fear and panic remembering his words. My heart was sinking at the thought of going back to his house everyday and working for him closely in his room. It was like going to your destruction knowingly. I felt trapped and helpless. For a girl the worst of worst nightmare is when her dignity is at stake. And here my dignity was hanging with a thin thread in hands of a devil.

"It's nothing really Clar." I said with a forced smile.

"It doesn't look like that. You seem distant lately" she said and suddenly her expressions turned to extremely shocked ones like she realised something terrible.

"Oh lord. Don't tell me. It is due to Mark Winston, isn't it? What did he do? Did he hurt you? I'll kill that bastard" she said with an extreme anger. I was surprised. She was normally a soft spoken person. It was first time I saw her this furious and cursing someone.

"No Clara it have nothing to do with him. He didn't made any move after that day. I think he have already forgotten what happened in cafeteria" I lied, because I was afraid if she knew the truth, she would blame herself for my horrific situation.

She gave me an skeptical look.

"He isn't a person to forget incident like that, easily. I know you're lying and I know you were crying in the corridor that day due to him. You are my best friend Andy. I've learned from you to never leave your friend alone in misery. So please tell me if he'd hurt you in anyway. I swear I'll do everything in my power to ruin him, even if I've to take help from my dad" she said putting her hand above mine in a comforting way.

I wanted to share everything with her, but I didn't had it in my heart to involve her in all this mess. So I lied again. "No Clara he didn't hurt me in any way. Believe me."

She nodded, but still looked at me like she didn't believed me. God this girl is a human lie detector.

"I really hope that's the case." she sighed dismally.

"Yeah girl it is" I said laughing, putting my arms around her shoulders. Her mood lightened up.

"Okay, lets have a sleepover tonight at my place. We'll have lots and lots of our girly talks." she said smiling.

"Sleepover sounds great." I said excitedly.

"Yeah Gracy is returning from London today. She said she wanted to catch up. I'll tell her to come as well."

Gracy was her childhood friend. She was on two weeks leave from college after her Grandma passed away in London. I hadn't met her yet, just heard about her from Clara.

"That sounds great. I'll finally meet her"

"Yeah girl, I can assure you she is amazing. Tell me the time I should pick you up from your house?"

"Make it after 7:30 in eve. I'll be ready by then"

"Okay cool" She said and continued eating her fries.

I smiled as I saw Liam and Frederick approaching us. Me and Clara greeted them as Liam sat beside Clara and Frederick sat beside me. They started arguing about who scored more goals in last two days. Me and Clara just laughed.

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