Love Me- Justin Bieber

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8. Love Me- Justin Bieber


"I guess I'm just a sucker for love..." I admitted as I watched Ashley work on her archery.

"But why her??" Phoebe, my half-sister, asked. "She doesn't have any ambitions in life. Doesn't want to be a scholar, or anything of the sorts..."

Looking over at her, I frowned. "She wants to run a program that helps promote natural beauty," I defended. Sure, Ashley isn't interested in doing anything that required books or calculations, but she wanted to help people. No of that model or fashion designer crap. She just wants to help people feel good about how they look. Now that takes dedication.

"You're crazy," Phoebe stated, shaking her head.

I shrugged. "Crazy in love, maybe."

Standing up, she set a hand on my shoulder. "Listen, bro. You may be smart so don't let her mess with your head. Aphrodite kids and dating aren't a good combo if you're looking for a steady relationship. Ashley is no different. So don't let her mess with you." And with that, she walked away.

A snap crackled through the air to indicate a arrow was being shot. My attention turned towards it as I looked over at the archers. Could Phoebe be right...? No; Ashley isn't like her siblings. She cares about me... But... What this is all a game to her...? What'cha doing to me Ashley...?

She looked over at me, a bright smile lit upon her face. I just couldn't help but smile.

Tell me you love me...

Word Count: 248


A/N: Aha, more original characters to PJATO~! Brendon is a son of Athena, as well as Phoebe, while Ashley is a daughter of Aphrodite. Seems strange that someone as smart as Brendon would fall for someone as shallow as Ashley, huh? Maybe Ashley isn't shallow; maybe Brendon isn't as smart as you believe... Either way, it's a cute and fluffy romance~ :)

As usual, preeeetttty please read, comment, vote, and fan!!!!

Hope you guys like it!


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