Chapter 6- My New Partner

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Chapter 6- My New Partner

Lyrics P.O.V

"I can't believe she goes to this school" I whisper to myself.

I walk to the cafeteria to see that Sasha is already seated at our usual table with Diamond and Mykia. I greet them saying Hey Loves! How's everyone's day going? Everyone nods their heads and mumble same old same old.

I sit down beside Sasha and grab her ear to tell her my new found History partner.

Lyrics! what dammit! *She rubs her ear*.

"I seen her in History class today" I say.
*Looking confused* "Seen who, Jennifer Lawrence"? She laughs.

*Grabbing her ear* No you nutsack! That girl from the party remember the really really really

**Might I say no words can really describe her** really Hot one!

*Thinking* "Yeah I remember... Wait! She's here in this school!?!?

*Nodding* "Yes and we have a project together".

*Laughing* "Stop playing Lyrics, she not here".

*Waving me off* *I turn around and I see her* There she is with that Kelsey girl again in the lunch line.

*whispering* for Sasha to look that direction. She sees what I am looking at

"Oh shit Lyrics you wasn't lying she really is here" she says

*Smacking her upside the head* " I told you that why does nobody ever listen to Lyrics" I say .

"So do you think she remembers you" Sasha asked.

" I dont think so she only remember me and the mute girl who broke her skateboard" I say sadly.

" Well you have to make her remember you" says Mykia .

" Yeah" Diamond and Sasha say.

*Biting my lip* "I don't know you guys she being really friendly with that Kelsey girl and I don't even know her what if she crazy and or like a jerk " I say. All my friends started to laugh

"what" I say.

"Girl from what I heard about her , She is a straight A student and play different types of sports" Diamond say.

" I dont know yet" I say

" well you better figure it out before someone else does" Sasha say


"I'll talk to you guys later" I say as I grab my book bag and walk away

After Lunch I only have one more classe then I can go home. My Next class is my favorite, English. My teacher is so awesome, He is laid back and really understanding he makes reading books more fun for me, I sound like a nerd, I know.

As I walk in to class I say Hi to Mr. Corbit and take my seat in the back, as the students start to file in I see Harmony and Hayden walk into class. They do their introductions to the class looking bored and uninterested.

She starts walking to the back of the class and she sits right next to me while her brother sits on the other side of me

She looks at me and smile " Hey Lyrics nice seeing you again this is my twin brother Hayden" She says pointing to the other twin on my right. "Hi" He says not interested.

Pulling out my books I prepare for class until I see a note land on my desk. I open it to see beautiful handwriting

Hey I'm not trying to get caught talking on my first day, but I was wondering if I could come over your house so we can outline this project


She wants to come over my house, OMG , Ok lyrics stop freaking out I mentally tell myself.

I look over at her and tap her shoulder and whisper " Yeah that's fine meet me after the final bell " I see the biggest smile on her face after I tell her that

"Ok Gucci" she says.


Grabbing my book bag heading out the class to leave. I spot Sasha getting up and I shoot her daggers .

"Why didn't you sit with me in class!" I whisper yell.

*Shrugging* She says "IDK maybe because Ms.PantyDropper came in with her adorable twin brother and they happened to walk your direction". *Patting my back* "Your welcome I did the world a favor by trying to light your oh so never lightened love candle" She says

*Shooting her more daggers* I walk off to my locker and head outside to wait for Harmony. Seeing her by a motorcycle I motion to my car and she nods getting on her bike. I get in my car mentally preparing myself for what is to come with her at my house. *Praying* I start up my car and head towards home.

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