Chapter 7-Remember Me

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Chapter 7

Harmony P.O.V

I hate to admit it but school was kind of cool especially after I talked to Lyrics its like their is something with her that I can't put my finger on, Plus I seen her and her friends looking at me at lunch. Lyrics is really beautiful. I asked if I could come to her house so we can start this project but mostly I wanted to get to know her better. I realize that we are making our way towards my house but she turns into the house next to mine. Hm so this is my neighbor, I park my motorcycle and take my helmet off and start walking towards her car

"So your my new neighbor" I say with my signature smirk, I see her blush hard

"Yeah that's me" she mumbles.

I grab her hand "come on show me around then we can start our project" I say

She looks shock but nods her head, We walk in her house and I gawk in amazement her house is freakin' huge. We walk in her kitchen and I see a older version of Lyrics at the stove cooking and a girl who looks about 13-14 ,hm thats probably her mother and sister, I see where Lyrics get her looks from. Her mother has long dark brown hair, her height and the same eye color as Lyrics and the younger girl. Hm time to put my charismatic Baltimore charm to work, I hear Lyrics introduce me.

In my deep baltimore voice " Hi I'm Harmony" I say with a big smile and stick out my hand

"Oh honey I'm not a hand shaker Im a huger" she says and before I can process it she pulls me into a bear crushing hug, I hear her sister and Lyrics in the background laughing, she releases me from the hug and I can actually breathe. I walk over to her sister

" Hey Im Harmony and your name" I say to her sister and see her blushing. Whats up with this family and blushing or is it just me?

"Hi I'm Marie, your name is really unique Harmony" she says, I hear a hint of flirting in her voice

" Um we have to go come on Harmony" Lyrics butts in

" Nice meeting the both of y'all" I say smiling

" They are so embarrassing" Lyrics say

Shrugging my shoulders" I thought they was kind of nice and cool" I say.

"And this is my room" Lyrics say opening a door with a Big L and flowers on it, well duh. Lyrics room is nothing like Lyrics, Her room is big, with music posters everywhere and a lot of books.

" Nice room" I say looking around

" Uhm thanks" Lyrics say

I sit on her bed and pat the empty space next to me,

"Come sit with me I don't bite only if you want me too" I say as I smirk at her, she starts blushing again and hesitantly make her way over to the empty space on the bed

"So tell me about you then we can start on this project, what makes Lyrics tick" I say

"What do you want to know" She says

" Hm lets start with the basics, your birthday, favorite color, favorite sport and sex preference" I say

" Um December 15, fav color is Malibu Blue, I don't like sports and bisexual what about you" She says

"Hm March 18, Red just Red, I love soccer been playing it since I was a baby, and I'm full Lesbo" I say kind of proud of myself. She nods and pulls out her books, getting straight to business. She starts to explain the project while I start daydreaming, until I notice a pair of thick heels on her floor by her desk. Reminiscing on the party from Saturday I remember the girl who I was talking to who up and left me. Looking back at Lyrics I can see that she's been staring at me.

Biting my lip I say "It was you wasn't it".

Looking confused She asks "It was me What"?

I get up from the bed and pull out her heels

"You was the girl from the party that talked and danced with me" I say getting a little mad. She starts blushing hard and biting her lip

"Why you lie, when I asked you if I knew you from somewhere" I say.

She starts to hesitant " I didn't know if you regretted speaking to me at the party or not. I'm not the type of girl that's remembered or talked to" she says

Pulling her on my lap I look into her eyes and say the words that I meant very much. I remember you and love being able to speak to you at the party and outside of it.

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