Chapter 16

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Lyric POV

The Next Morning

"Hey Alexa, play some music I might like" I shout out to my Alexa sitting on my nightstand. She starts to play Iffy By Chris Brown. I love this song, as I'm getting out of bed I realize that Harmony isn't here. She must have left late last night when I was sleeping. I check my phone as I walk into the bathroom to start my day. Checking my messages I see that Harmony texted me .
From Harmony 🥰: " Good Morning, I had fun last night, text me to let me know you're up !"
And that's when it hit me. Me and Harmony had sex ! My first time ever at that. Looking into the mirror, my jaw dropped. She left my neck littered in hickies, some were deep purplish color and some were red. Oh my god how am I going to cover these up ! I have school in the next hour.
I quickly sent Sasha a text
To Sash 🤓: Don't ask any questions, but I need you to come to school early and bring makeup.
Sash 🤓: Um okay, see you in 30 mins.

I quickly brushed my teeth and threw on a hoodie and some Nike shorts as I ran out the house. Getting to my car I speed to school. I'm so glad it's Friday, that way I don't have to deal with this all week. About 15 mins later I see Sasha pull up in her car and get out.

"Harmony why the hell did you text me to get here early you know I don't .." she stops mid sentence as she sees my neck

Silence, nothing but thick, long silence. As the silence is growing I'm starting to get even more nervous. Before I could say anything Sasha let out a ear piercing scream.
"oh my god, who did this! You had sex ?! You finally lost your virginity?! OH MY GOD WAS IT HARMONY?!" She shouts and starts jumping up and down.
"Sasha please calm down, I'll tell you everything but I need you to cover these hickies" I tell her trying to calm her down.
We walk to an empty locker room and she starts to do my makeup. While she's doing my makeup I tell her everything and I mean everything. It took her roughly 20 minutes to finish covering my hickies.
"Wait so did you ever text her back? Or did you leave her on read" Sasha inquires.
"Oh my god no I completely forgot" I say frantically trying to find my phone so I can text her back.
"What do I say back or should I just wait until she's here today to talk to her ?" I ask nervously.
"I don't want her to think I didn't like it" I said blushing because that's most definitely not the case I think to myself.
"Wait until she get to school" Sasha says.
By the time we walked to our lockers and exchanged books and Sasha put her makeup away it was time for us to head to our first class.
After our first class, I headed to my second class and I was expecting to see the twins. Well I was hoping to see Harmony but she isn't here and strangely enough Hayden wasn't here either. It's not like the both of them to miss school. I got this really bad feeling, I spot Kelsey and walk over to her.

"Hey your Kelsey right?" I say as I approach her table. She looks at me and smile.

"Yup that's me, your Lyric right, Harmony's boo thang" she laughs.

I start to blush hard because has she been telling her friends about us?. " um ha , yeah I suppose, I came over to ask if you heard from the twins ? I know your close to them. I just wanted to make sure they were okay" I say. Her smile instantly turns into a sad frown.

"Oh yeah, they won't be in school today, Hayden texted me. They having some type of family trouble. It's really not my business to tell" she says in an apologetic way. The feeling in my body doesn't leave, if anything it got worst.

"Okay , thank you for telling me" I say as I start to turn around and go back to my sit.

"Wait Lyric, I'm not supposed to tell you this but Harmony really does like you. She talks about you a lot but she has a lot of , um problems. And she has a tendency to push people away. Well that's what Hayden told me" she says in a whisper tone.

Taken back I just nod my head and go back to my seat before the teacher comes in. What did she mean by family trouble ? And why would she try to push me away. After school I'm going over to her house and check in on her.

After School.

Schools finally over and I'm on my way to Harmony's House. I park my car and knock on her door. I waited a few minutes before the door opens and it's Hayden. He's wearing basketball shorts and a hoodie. He looks like he's been crying.

"Oh Hey Lyric, what are you doing here" he says in a rasp voice. Yeah he definitely been crying.

"Hey, Harmony invited me over to do our project. If now isn't a good time I can come back later" I say feeling nervous.

"Oh naw, come on in, I'll take you to her room" he says as he steps aside and let me walk in. Harmony talks about our house being huge but her house is just as big. I follow him to the second floor and to the back of a hallway. He knocks on the door.

"Harmony put some clothes on you got a guest" he knocks.

A couple of seconds later she opens the door, her hair is in a messy bun, she's wearing Nike joggers and a Nike sports bra. Showing off her abs. She also looks like she's been crying. And when she opened her door I caught a whiff of weed. So she smokes ? I mean I'm not complaining because all my friends do too. I just been too scared to try.

I don't think she saw me immediately, but when she did her face turned into a small smile. That gave me butterflies.

"Hey Lyric, you didn't text me so I didn't think we were still on for today" she said- her voice was also raspy . She also most definitely got done crying.

She steps to the side and let me in her room, Hayden disappearing somewhere.

"Hey yeah, I'm sorry I should have texted you back, are you okay? You look like you been crying ? Is it anything I can do" I say as I walk towards her.

"Today is my little brother birthday, him and my mom also died today" she said with a sad smile on her face.

I was shocked , no wonder she wasn't in school today- that's probably why she hasn't been in school for the last couple of days. I instinctively walk over to her and hug her.

"When I'm sad I like to be held so I'm going to hold you" i say as I wrap my arms around her. She does a small chuckle and say okay. She leads me to her bed and we lay down. Her laying in between my legs with her head rested on my stomach and arms wrapped around me. I started playing in her hair and not soon after I did that I felt her get a little heavier and her breathing started to even out. I looked down at her and she was sleeping. I pulled the blanket over top of her. Wow, today is a really heavy day for both her and Hayden and she decided to let me in and experience some of it with her. Looking around her room , it showed exactly who Harmony was. It was pictures of her as a child , some of her and Hayden. Some of her parents. Some friends and some posters. After a couple of minutes I decided I would join her in a nap. We can talk again when we wake up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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