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"Second semester. You ready young Zayn?" Louis raised one eyebrow.

"I was born ready." Zayn smirked, adjusting the stupid piece of dark brown hair that continued to fall over his forehead.

He proceeded to walk out of his dorm with Louis, books in hand and a grin splattered upon his features. He was so excited, he couldn't help it.

"I think the only thing you're ready for is AP Psych 102." Louis chuckled, head bowed down, staring at his burgundy Vans.

"Second semester with Mr. Payne. Of course I'm ready." Zayn scoffed.

This was his year. He's totally got this.

"I mean, he was on my New Year's resolution list." Zayn whispered.

"What!" Louis eyed Zayn.

Zayn laughed along with Louis. "Just kidding. He's on my goals list. And before you say anything, yes I have a goals list. And he's number 1 on there." Zayn lifted up a finger.

They arrived at Zayn's class and Louis patted him on the back. "Go get 'em tiger."

"Oh I intend to." Zayn glared as Louis turned his back and walked away.

And as soon as Zayn walked into his class, he walked all the way to the back, as far away from Mr. Payne as possible.

It might have been a new year, maybe even a month into the new year but he had no motivation whatsoever. If Louis were here right now, he would've called Zayn a pussy.

"So how'd it go?" Niall asked, an eyebrow lifted as he was sat on Zayn's bed, eating pineapples.

"Oh he sat all the way in the back and avoided the Payne stare." Louis laughed.

"Don't pineapples have acid that basically burn your tongue?" Zayn's glare was directed towards Louis.

"Yes they do." Niall grinned.

"Great, give them to Louis so he can shut up." Zayn smiled sickeningly sweet.

"No. They're mine." Niall pouted.

"You need to stop this addiction." Zayn walked up to Niall and grabbed the fruit container from him, mostly fixed with pineapples.

"Exactly. Isn't your boyfriend tired of sweet tasting jizz?" Louis questioned.

"Harry has no problem with it." Niall bit a pineapple.

"I see your game. You added different fruits in here to not make it seem like all you're eating are pineapples." Zayn lifted his head from the fruit bowl to look at the blond.

"Oh no! You have discovered my secret. I'm doomed. The horror! How will I ever survive this? It's the end of the wor-" Zayn covered Niall's mouth.

"Shut up you twat. We get it." Zayn took out his phone and snapped a picture with the container of pineapples next to Niall's face before uploading it to his Snapchat.

"We'll let them figure it out." Zayn spoke.

"Alright well I gotta go, gonna get my life together. Nice chatting with you lads. Tata!"

"Bye Felicia." Louis murmured, eyes fixed on his phone.

"Later Ni, call me if you stumble upon any muscular psych teachers with quiffs." Zayn waved.

"Will do!" Niall waved, closing the door behind him.

Zayn turned from his stance and sighed, walking to his bed.

Mr. Payne | Ziam (UNDER EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now