× Seven

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“It was nice seeing you, Rose.” Zayn complimented, trying his best to get out of the conversation to go to Liam and just be with him.

“Oh wait. I also wanted to ask you something.” Rose seemed to be having a hard time speaking. She was stood in front of Zayn's desk, discussing the psych lecture that just went on in class. She quickly dragged her hair behind her ear with light fingertips before tightening her lips.

Zayn glanced towards Liam's desk and noticed the professor staring him down. His eyes got a little darker as he quickly sized up Rose. His face scrunched up in disgust. Zayn let out a tiny laugh, attempting to focus on what Rose was trying to ask him.

“M’sorry. What was it?” Zayn straightened up, getting ready to fuel Liam up even more. He ran his hand through his hair as he ruffled it up, smiling with his tongue behind his teeth like the hot guy that Liam reminds him he is every single minute of every single day.

“Uh, well I'm having a birthday dinner and I was, well, wondering if you wanted to come along with me and my friends?” Rose asked him.

“That sounds fun. Do you mind if my friend comes along too? Don't worry he'll pay for himself.” Zayn winked.

By now, Rose and Liam were red faced for two obviously different reasons.

“Yeah sure that's fine. I'll- can I have your number to text you the address?” Rose spoke, her eyes blinking as her foot began to tap nervously on the white tiled floor. Zayn grinned and took out his phone, unlocking it and handing it to Rose. Rose smiled, typing in the phone number and sending herself a text.

“Alright cool. I'll just put in your contact name and then send the address. Thanks for saying yes.” She blurted out. Zayn laughed, his eyes gleaming.

“Thanks for inviting me Rose.” Zayn bought his hand under his chin.

“Bye.” She waved.

“Bye.” Zayn smiled.

Zayn took a glance at an angry Liam.

He was typing away on his computer, trying not to show the fact that he was jealous.

Zayn walked up behind him, his hands going to his shoulders to slide down his stomach and rub at his thighs, Liam momentarily forgetting how to inhale and exhale.

“Zayn stop. I'm supposed to be mad at you.” Liam breathed.

“You can't just expect me to not have friends.” Zayn leaned down, running his lips down his neck and back up.

“That's not how you make friends and you and I both know that. That's how you make girlfriends and boyfriends.” Liam emphasized.

“Does it really look like I want to make girlfriends when I got a boyfriend of my own.” Zayn remarked and grabbed Liam's chair to spin it around so it can face him.

Liam looked up at Zayn, “no.”

“You're cute.” Zayn leaned down.

“I'm not cute. I'm hot. Sexy even. Not cute.” Liam leaned forward.

“Yeah sure.” Zayn rolled his eyes.

“I'm hot.” Liam grabbed Zayn from his ass and made him straddle his lap, Zayn's legs hanging off the chair due to the handles placed on both sides.

Zayn giggled and looked down at Liam.

“Cute people giggle. Like you.” Liam nuzzled his cheek.

Mr. Payne | Ziam (UNDER EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now