× Thirteen

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Zayn, I'm so sorry that had to happen.” Niall and Louis sat by his side in his dorm.

“It's for the best.” Zayn spoke, emotionless.

“God, and Rose is such a bitch. Let's fight her together Ni.” Louis nudged Niall, Zayn cracking a smile while Niall agreed.

“Don't worry Zayn. I know for a fact that he'll return and get you back. Screw whatever the hell Rose said. There has gotta be a rule that overrules her dumbass rule.” Louis added, crossing his legs as he held Niall's pineapple ice cream.

“Yeah, and when you find it, let me know so I could go fight Rose with you, too.” Zayn peered at Louis.

“Dont worry man, everything will be ok.” Niall rubbed Zayn's shoulders.

“I hope so.” Zayn whispered, lying down to take a nap and get his mind off of everything that happened today.

His phone has been vibrating all day, even through his nap. He knew they were all from Liam. He would scroll through each and every one of them and would cry every single time. The messages and calls eventually stopped coming and Zayn couldn't bear it. He’d rather have Liam messaging him than not communicating with him at all. The last message he received was that night around 9 when he was working on a drawing for an art class he was taking outside of college. This was his last drawing and then he would be finished with the class.

He read it. Over and and over again. He kept reading it up to the point where he couldn't even finish the drawing.

From Leyum ❤: I love to hold you close tonight and always. I love to wake up next to you. I love you, Zayn.

And god, Zayn couldn't breathe. He wrote those lyrics. He wrote them and then sang them to Liam a bit when they were in his classroom one day. And the fact that he just told him he loves him breaks his heart. He locked his phone and cried himself to sleep.

The next morning, Zayn was up. His eyes were swollen and red and he was getting ready for psychology. His hair was a soft mess and his clothes were a bit wrinkled but that didn't even matter anymore considering he didn't need to look nice for anyone. At least not anymore.

He convinced himself that he wasn't nervous to walk into class. He just had to walk in and sit down all the way in the back. He personally thought he looked like shit.

He managed to walk into the class, Liam glancing up at him and giving him a private smile. Zayn couldn't help but just glance at him and continue walking. Liam didn't look so good either and his natural glow didn't accompany him today. All in all, he was completely different than he usually was when he was teaching. His teaching became slightly boring as he gave them packets and book work. Zayn couldn't care less about that. He just wanted Liam back but he knew he couldn't do that. He was conflicted and all he wanted to do was cry and sleep and maybe receive more messages from Liam.

That night, at exactly 9 o'clock P.M., he received another message from Liam.

From Leyum ❤: I'm seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure. Nobody but you. I love you.

Zayn smiled, laughed, screamed joyfully. Anything but crying. Anything but letting himself become depressed.

Days passed and Zayn kept receiving the messages. Until one night. It was 8:58 and he was waiting patiently for another message but instead received a call from an unknown number. He answered it, confusedly asking who it was.

“Zayn, son. We need you over here quick. Your mom has been in an accident and she wants to see you.” Zayn froze. He hasn't talked to his dad in over a year. Not when he left for a job opportunity and not bothered to call or text him.

Mr. Payne | Ziam (UNDER EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now