× Six

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“You can't do that. That's like illegal in boyfriendville.” Liam whispered as he shut the door to his classroom. The last person having left already.

“I have no idea what you're talking about Li.” Zayn's lashes fanned prettily against his cheekbones.

“I'm talking about this.” Liam walked to Zayn and quickly pinched the thin fabric between his fingertips laid upon Zayn's shoulders.

“What? My shirt?” Zayn laughed. He touched the fabric and looked down at it.

Liam frowned at Zayn.

“Do sheer white Henleys turn you on?” Zayn squinted his eyes and wiggled his brows. He stood close to Liam while looking up at him. Liam sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

“And framed glasses.” Liam whined.

Zayn chuckled and adjusted his glasses.

“You should have told me earlier and I would have brought all the white Henleys I own along with 45 different pairs of rimmed glasses.” Zayn smiled, placing his hands on Liam's chest, feeling the softness of his button up.

“I might also have a thing for button ups and Clarke's along with hot professors.” Zayn blushed.

“I better be the only professor you have a thing for.” Liam wrapped his arms around Zayn's middle, bringing them chest to chest.

“Definitely are.” Zayn leaned in, kissing Liam thoroughly.

“Nialllllll, my friend it's been so long!” Zayn exclaimed, his teeth shining as he hugged Niall.

“I saw you like yesterday.” Niall scoffed.

Niall put his bowl of fruit down as he got settled into Zayn's bed.

“Alright Zayny. Anything new come your way?” Niall grabbed the fruit bowl and stuck his fork in a pineapple, gradually bringing it towards his lips.

Zayn automatically started screaming. Niall twitched, his ears not prepared for the sudden outburst.

“Okay. So something good?” Niall questioned before beginning to laugh.

“Okay okay so like I got my essay back the other day actually like a while ago and Mr. Payne was all like ‘tutoring Mr.Malik’ because I supposedly got an F on it but I actually got an A but he decided to write an F and I was like ‘can we just get to the part were I suck you off and then we ride off into the sunset on a unicorn’-” Niall interrupted him.

“You actually said that last part?”

“No obviously I didn't. I really should have though. Maybe we would already be sucking each other off.” Zayn began to question his whole existence.

“Okay but like so we’re at tuto-” Zayn was yet again stopped by Niall's phone ringing. Niall looked at it and pointed a finger up before answering.

“Yeah Harry.” Niall scrunched his brows as he looked at Zayn, paying attention to what Harry was saying.

“Okay.” Niall put the phone on the bed and quickly tapped the speaker button and the mute button about a bunch of times, Harry having told him to wait while he spoke to his mom on the other line.

“Continue.” Niall urged, eating his fruits like his life depended on it.

“Alright so we had tutoring and all that and like he started flirting with me.” Zayn breathed in and out, his lips stretched into a grin.

Mr. Payne | Ziam (UNDER EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now