× Twenty Six

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"What do you think..." Liam asked, swaying Zayn from side to side.

"About..." Liam closed in on Zayn's neck, breathing hotly over the skin, ultimately creating goosebumps.

"Marriage." He said lastly.

Zayn stiffened in Liam's hold, losing his composure in dancing. He buried his head further into Liam's neck, trying to stop his heart from beating so fast out of his chest. Liam noticed though, with the way Zayn warmed up against him and the color of his face turned red.

"I think that's a yes?" Liam asked, wrapping his arms around Zayn's lower back.

Zayn was dressed in nothing but his panties and one of Liam's sweaters. They were currently prancing around the living room to a song that appeared on the music channel of Liam's tv.

Liam was beyond ready to just ask Zayn to marry him, but he just didn't understand why he was so scared that Zayn would say no even though he already got his answer by the reaction that came out of the student.

"Why?" Zayn asked, keeping his face hidden. God, he wanted to be married to Liam so bad. He just didn't want to make it look like he was desperate.

"Why are you questioning it? Let me know how you actually feel about it. I just want to know if you feel you're ready for that kind of commitment. It's different for lots of people you know? Like there are people who don't want to have babies cause they're not ready for that kind of commitment. Or when they want to move in together." Liam went on, not knowing when to stop cause he was an absolute idiot when it came to his boyfriend.

"I am willing to commit. I would love to get married to you someday." Zayn commented. He knew to choose his words wisely but it looks like he didn't because Liam's face changed to a look of confusion.

Liam regained his composure, as if nothing happened. As if Zayn didn't just say that he doesn't want to marry him right now.

Zayn continued to move around with Liam, a softer song playing. Liam immediately pulled Zayn against him, gripping his waist with one hand and using the other to hold Zayn's face.

"How about getting married right now?" Liam raised a brow, inching closer to his boy's lips. Zayn lost his breathe, looking desperate and just wanting to kiss Liam. He moved forward, but Liam didn't let him.

"Yes." Zayn answered, more like whined.

"Yes what?" Liam asked. Right now, Liam seemed as if he had an advantage, trying to keep his calm, but on the inside, his stomach was churning like crazy.

"I want to marry you so bad Liam James Payne. I want to wear a ring that makes me yours forever." Zayn blurted out. Liam honestly made Zayn desperate for anything just by prohibiting him from kissing him.

"And that was all just cause you don't let me kiss you." Zayn whispered, gazing at Liam's lips.

Liam let go of Zayn's hip, kissing him to distract him. He maneuvered his hand to the front pocket of his jeans and took out the velvet box buried in there.

He stepped back, biting his lip to contain his smile. Zayn was still a bit dazed, catching on slowly to what Liam was doing.

Liam got on one knee, presenting the box in front of Zayn.

Zayn's eyes watered, a smile appearing on his face. He shook his head in disbelief and covered his face.

"Liam, I'm in a pair of cheekies and a sweater. You cannot be doing this." Zayn exclaimed.

"I wouldn't mind looking at you like that for the rest of my life." Liam spoke.

"So do me the favor of marrying me? I promise I'll make you the happiest person in the world. Because you already make me the happiest just by being in my life." Liam let out, his chest hurting with weight.

"Yes." Zayn shook, his tears settling down his face. The weight fell off of Liam's chest knowing this stunning man in front of him was his fiancée.

He took the ring out of the box, got up, and grabbed Zayn's hand, sliding the ring onto his finger before kissing the life out of him.

"I like husband better than boyfriend anyway." Liam spoke in between kisses, Zayn chuckling at his words.

Zayn was on his back, Liam thrusting into him slowly. He would arch his back every time Liam would nail his sweet spot.

"Liam, oh my god." Zayn moaned, his fingers running down Liam's back in a soothing motion. He urged him to keep going and how could Liam say no to that?

A phone rang amidst all the passion happening in the dark room. Zayn groaned and grabbed the phone, squinting his eyes in the dark. He deciphered out the name before Liam fucked into him pretty hard.

"Fuck." Zayn whined out, the phone slipping from his grasp. He caught it quickly before it tumbled down to the ground.

"Zayn that better be someone famous. Or I swear to god." Liam led on, gritting his teeth and then sucking a hickey on the skin of Zayn's neck. Zayn smiled, filled with immense pleasure as he answered the call.

"Hello." Zayn greeted from Liam's phone.

Zayn waited a beat, Liam beginning to get angry. It only helped because Liam became a little rougher than usual and Zayn didn't mind it at all in bed.

"Zayn." Liam warned.

"Hello Mrs. Payne, how are you?" Zayn bit his lip biting back a moan.

"Oh no, it's perfect timing, Liam and I are just catching up on things. He left me with a surprise today, but I'd rather he tell you." Zayn smirked, watching Liam stop his movements.

"You wanna speak to Liam? Of course. Here he is." Zayn handed Liam the phone.

Liam's eyes bulged. He pulled out quickly and ran to the bathroom with his phone in hand.

Zayn laughed but then became a little upset that he couldn't get himself off completely. He chose to wait for Liam to come out of the bathroom.

He noticed the door open and Liam whispering an 'I hate you' to Zayn. Zayn just laughed it off, rolling onto his side.

A/N: hello there 😏 guys guys guys please go check out my new Larry book *cue screaming* yayyyyy. I promise it's good even though I only have the first chapter up lol. Please check it out thank you ❤️❤️

Mr. Payne | Ziam (UNDER EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now