× Prologue

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Monday Morning.

"Alright, toothbrush. Check. Clothes. Check. Phone, laptop, tablet. Check. School books. Check. And condoms? Uh check," Zayn snorts as he reads on.  He squints and proceeds to whisper, "Niall."

"Niall, why? I could have sworn I was innocent before you came into my life," Zayn yells sarcastically.

"You should be glad I found you in that library with that book basically shoved in your face. Looking For Alaska is a great book, but damn Zayn, if it isn't Looking For Alaska, then it's Paper Towns, and if it's not Paper Towns, then it's An Abundance of Katherines and is John Green the only thing you read? You're hot and you spend like every second of your day studying and if you're not studying then you're sleeping to get up to study," Niall shouts.

Zayn's eyes widen slightly before he  lets out a small laugh.

"What crawled up you ass?" He questions as Niall rolls his blue eyes.

"Some guy that's going to our college has me on edge. He is the most annoying thing but he's like sex on legs, Zayn you don't understand," the blond whines as he stares at Zayn, frustration evident in his eyes.

Niall and Zayn are best friends. The bestest best friends. So yeah, Zayn totally understands.

"Let's go. Hopefully, I get a dorm with you because I know this guy is gonna annoy the shit out of me if we happen to end up as roommates. I mean, he's hot and all but like ugh what am I gonna do Zayn? He's hot and I like him and he's annoying and I like that he's annoying and he's so hot and my god he's hot. And that thing that he does when he's hot. I hate myself," Niall groans as Zayn laughs.

They load everything into their own cars. Afterwards, Zayn says goodbye to his mother.

"I'll see you when I come back for break mom. I love you so much," the brown eyed boy whispers.

"Goodbye sweetheart. Love you. Don't forget to call me once in awhile. I want to hear all about your college life," she speaks, her eyes getting watery as she fixes his hair.

He smiles and wipes her tears, reassuring her that everything is going to be fine. He waves goodbye and meets outside with Niall who's leaning against his own car.

"Let's go." Zayn speaks as he holds the water bottle he grabbed from his fridge.

"Alright." Niall answers before he makes his way into his own car.


They arrive fairly quick and only manage to get lost once.

They quickly sign in and are soon on their way to their dorms.

And to say both guys were pretty disappointed when they didn't have the same dorm was an understatement.

Zayn opens the door to his designated room and spots a small figure sitting on one side, furiously tapping on his phone. When said small figure hears the door open, he quickly looks up. A look of relief flashes over his face as he takes a glance towards Zayn.

Zayn stands there awkwardly, shuffling his feet as the other boy stares him down.

"Hey, why are you just standing there?" The stranger asks as Zayn continues to shuffle from foot to foot.

"I'm Louis. Who are you?" the boy, apparently Louis, introduces himself. His tone was friendly, nothing like his physical appearance. All in all, this guy looked unapproachable. Then again, looks can be deceiving.

"I'm Zayn. I'm your roommate." Zayn announces as he looks around the room. The walls are painted a white color and the furniture matches perfectly. Louis' bed is on the far right with a nightstand right next it and a lamp placed on top. The same was done on Zayn's side of the room. There's a bathroom to the right, just in front of Louis' bed, but Zayn believes the best part is probably the small balcony in between Louis and Zayn's beds.

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