× Seventeen

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"I don't think it's fair that I have to leave in," Liam checks his watch, "four days. And you get to stay for an extra 3 weeks."

Zayn was wrapped around Liam, lying down on his chest.

"Well, I don't understand why you had to check your watch for the day when watches only tell time." Zayn smiled, nuzzling further into Liam's chest.

"Why won't you let me stay longer." Liam pouted.

"It's not me." Zayn murmured.

"God, that sounds like the worst break up line ever." Liam interrupted.

Zayn chuckled, slapping Liam's chest lightly.

"Let me finish you dolt."

"Alright alright." Liam spoke, going silent after.

"It's not me. It's you-" Zayn paused, laughing.

"You have students whom you need to teach and frankly, if it were up to me, I would keep you with me for the 3 extra weeks but I can't. Besides, I'm taking my classes online and my courses are going to be over soon and I'll be going into my junior year and- Jesus everything is happening so fast." Zayn brought a hand up to his forehead.

"It felt like just yesterday, I was crushing on you from afar." Zayn giggled, beginning to blush.

"What are you saying?" Liam brought a hand to his chest, feigning shock.

"You don't have a crush on me anymore?" Liam cried, his hand rushing over his temple. He began to lean back on Zayn's bed, pretending to faint.

"Nope. I don't like you anymore." Zayn moved up to Liam's neck, kissing the sensitive skin.

"I kinda love you now." Zayn admitted, grinning as Liam tightened his boyfriend up in his arms.

"And I adore you, my sweet, sweet love." Liam gazed at Zayn who was hiding his smile in his neck. Liam kissed Zayn's head, hugging him impossibly tight.

"You're gonna kill your sweet love, babe." Zayn mumbled, his eyes getting a little heavy.

"Would never." Liam whispered, gently rocking Zayn.

Zayn was enjoying the sensation of being rocked to sleep, his eyes lowering slowly until they finally shut and he fell into unconsciousness.

"So when are those wedding papers coming my way?" Trisha asked Liam, both sitting at the dining table in her house.

"You really want me to marry him?" Liam chuckled.

"Wouldn't want anyone else, sweetie." Trisha smiled, pouring Liam some lemonade in a cup from the pitcher that was set on the wooden table.

"How long have you two been together? He hasn't spoken to me about you in a while." Trisha spoke, looking at Liam.

"Almost a month now. And, well, the past few weeks haven't really been so easy for us." Liam sighed, looking down the hall to the open room where Zayn was still sleeping.

"Everything alright?" Trisha questioned.

Liam didn't want to talk about this so he figured he would skip all the parts that hurt the most and just cover the important things. He told Trisha about almost everything.

"He was devastated, and on top of all that, he got a call from his dad about you and I honestly couldn't understand how he coped with all of that." Liam ran a hand through his hair, feeling like the worst person in the world for letting Zayn become so sad.

"He seems alright now. He's happy and that's all I need." Liam smiled.

Trisha grinned and reached over to gently squeeze his hand. "How come you ended up here if you two were broken up?" Trisha asked.

Liam huffed out a breath before inhaling and grinning a bit, "Zayn doesn't really know this, but Niall- you know him right?" Liam asked before Trisha nodded in understanding.

"Well, Niall told me Zayn was leaving for spring break and that he was a mess, a wreck, so I got to him as soon as he was leaving and talked him into bringing me with him. It took a bit of persuasion but if it weren't for this, I probably would have been in my classroom, crying over him and his attitudes." Liam smiled, looking at his fingers.

He took a sip of the lemonade, avoiding Trisha's stare in awe.

"What?" He finally asked, putting the glass down and meeting her stare.

Trisha shook her head in joy. "I didn't know you were so infatuated with him."

"I'm in love with him. He's so crazy and funny and he has the best personality anyone could ever have and I couldn't have asked you to raise him any better than you already have. You made quite the son, Ms. Malik." Liam praised, his eyes roaming back to the room where Zayn was in slumber.

Trisha just smiled and sipped her drink.

Zayn woke to an empty bed. He bolted up and looked around for Liam, whimpering a bit.

"Liam." Zayn called out softly.

"Yes, babe I'm coming." Liam got up from his chair where he was talking to Trisha.

Liam walked into Zayn's room, noticing how lost Zayn looked. His hair was all rumpled and messy and his eyes looked a bit swollen. He was sat up, waiting for Liam.

"Yes, love?" Liam stood at the door.

"Missed you." Zayn mumbled.

"Was having a bad dream." Zayn rubbed his eyes.

Liam sighed and closed the door behind him, walking to the bed, and climbing in to cuddle Zayn.

"You alright?" Liam asked, rubbing Zayn's back.

"I am now." Zayn murmured.

"You didn't have a bad dream did you?"

"Nope." Zayn giggled.

"Just wanted you with me." Zayn smiled, leaning in to kiss Liam softly.

"I knew that." Liam scoffed, kissing back feverently.

"Yeah sure." Zayn spoke sarcastically.

Liam squeezed Zayn's arse as Zayn gasped.

"Hey!" Zayn exclaimed.

"Hey." Liam answered, a deeper voice overtaking him.

"Jerk." Zayn went to squeeze Liam's nipple.

"Ow!" Liam yelled.

Liam grinned and swiftly rolled over to hover over Zayn. "Stop." Liam demanded.

"Or what?" Zayn giggled.

Liam was quick to lower his hips and move them against Zayn's.

"F-uck." Zayn stuttered. His hips rolling up for Liam.

"Or I'll stop doing this." Liam smirked, continuing to swivel his hips in an achingly good way.

"Don't stop." Zayn whined.

"Zayn, dear." Zayn's mom knocked on the door.

Liam responded quickly and rolled over, his heart beating rapidly.

Trisha opened the door in time to see both boys trying to catch their breaths.

Liam went to to grab his phone to look casual.

"Yeah mom?" Zayn asked, trying not to make it obvious.

Trisha smirked knowingly and brought up a bag of marshmallows and chocolate along with graham crackers.


Zayn groaned, covering his face.

A/N: I'm thinking of starting a new Larry book. Since there seem to be larry shippers all over here lol. I'll let you guys know when to check it out. Hopefully you'll like that one as much as you love this one. I love you guys. ❤

Mr. Payne | Ziam (UNDER EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now