Chapter two

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Ace is not my real name, just a name which sounded better that Beryl Bonny Burton. That name had made me sound like a crappy superhero. Not that I have anything against superheroes. Just I'm not one of them.

I stepped out of the shower. What I didn't realize however, was that as I stood there making sure I didn't look too much like an egg and pulling on a white top and black jeans, Destiny was running towards me right now. God I hate him...

He wasn't graceful when he ran, always catching the end of his trainers on the paving slabs. Also, his hoodie was too big which made him less of a streamlined sprinter and more of a flapping blur of grey.

If I knew what was going to happen, I would never have got involved. Screw socializing; my bed is the only friend I need! And also wifi. And pot noodles. And my dog... And I guess Destiny was okay for a human.

He dashed through the streets and into the halls of my building, his feet stomping loudly and causing me to go to my door to see what was up.

Turning the nob and pulling, I was greeted by Destiny. That little shit.

"Sorry - people chasing - got to help - please - names Destiny - they'll kill me - please." He spluttered between breaths.

I looked down at those pitiful eyes of the boy who'd somehow managed to tumble into my arms. They were wide and scared and begging and he trembled softly as he spoke.

"Nope! Hell no! I'm not getting involved in any of your action movie sh-" But before I could finish my burst of profanities, shoving the boy from me, I heard the voices down the hall.

"Where'd he go?" Guy 1.
"The fuck should I know? " Guy 2.
"Chill it princess, he's gotta be around here somewhere." Guy 1.
"Well if he ain't, Velvet will 'ave us!" Guy 2.

Oh fucking hell, not Velvet! Not him. Oh God, please not him.

"Alright kid," I hurried, suffering from a change of heart. "I'll hide you, but then you're gone. Capisce? I ain't getting involved with Velvet."

Velvet was essentially the ruler of the South in our crappy little post-apocalyptic world. Velvet was the beginning of misery and the end of time. Velvet was life's cunning brown haired, paled skinned nemesis with the name of a stripper.

The kid - Destiny - nodded violently.
I was officially involved.

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