Chapter twenty eight

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I woke, opened my eyes and watched the world spin. The joys of hangovers!
I'd got utterly Hitlered last night - that was the scale of 'drunkeness' the squad used. It comes from the time that, after too much 80% stuff, I'd been pretty sick and decorated like the Nazi leader who should have put more effort into being a gymnast and less into being a cunt.

Lifting my head from the table, I saw I'd fallen asleep in one of the blue chairs under the glare of the painting of the now dead Virtue Jones. At least I wasn't the only one to have done so though, Destiny half resting on the table, open mouthed and dribbling slightly. Under his head though was a list and pen and it came back to me then what it was.

After finishing off a great deal of alcohol, we (along with Milo) had a rather drunk discussion of what should be done with Velvet. The ideas had then been written down into a list.
Sliding it out from under my friend, I sat back and went through it, trying to decipher the words written in all our drunken scrawls.

1). Drown the motherfucker.
a). ^ Yeah that.
3. Shoot him a bunch of times with bullets and stuff.
a). Burn him like a witch.
5. Torture.
b). Bees?
7). Electrocution. Or beheading.
7. Cannibalism or autocannibalism.
8. Hang him.
9). Poison.
c). A giant fish or something.

Those were the ones I could read and I didn't know what idea I preferred. They all seemed pretty appealing.

Looking up, I saw Milo walk in with a pillow, a coat and a box of random items in his arms. He looked at Destiny, then me, and laid the stuff on the table.
"You could come with us, you know." I told him quietly, as to not wake up my sleeping friend.
"What's out there for me?" He shrugged.
"What's in here for you?"
"I don't know, a castle?" He frowned, questioning. "You know, you could stay here if you wanted?"
"Are you going to do something stupid if I don't?" I asked with a stern hush.
"I'm going to do something stupid whether you stay or not. I'm not going to kill myself though, if that's what you're asking." A pause and a smile. "If I did though, you'd get the castle - if you stayed that is."
"No," I shook my head. "I'm not staying, and you're not killing yourself."
"I thought so." He nodded before adding. "Spoil sport."
"What's that you've got there?" I sudden frowned, in accordance to the stuff he'd brought in.
"Some of Virtue's old things. Des can take whatever he wants. I don't care if he's immortal or not; I just want him to be happy. He may save this world, he may end it. I don't care though. It's his life. His choice. And if he doesn't want to lead a rebellion or be the 'chosen one', then that's that." He said with conviction and finality.
"He's grown on you, hasn't he?" I smirked.
He only Smiled in response.
"What's growing where?" Destiny suddenly yawned.
"You, you loveable little STI." I grinned, ruffling his hair. "Want something to eat?"
"Ugh... Please don't mention food."

It was some time later, after everyone had parcially recovered and Des had taken what he wanted of his friend's, that we addressed the elephant in the room- Well, he wasn't actually in the room. Or the castle for that matter. He'd been tied to one of the cable carts which would fly over the park and take people from one side of it to the other. He was currently hanging upside down over a very long drop which he wouldn't survive if he did manage to get free - which was in itself highly unlikely.

"We've got the list," I pondered. "But what do we do with it? Kill him in each of the ways until we finish him off with a final God Killers to the head? Or just short list it to Class Favourites?"
"I have a better idea." Destiny stated sheepishly. "You know that episode of Supernatural [spoiler alert] with the serial killer ghost in the walls - H. H. Holmes?"
"Nope." Milo scowled, confused.
"Season two, right?" I nodded.
"Yeah." Des confirmed. "Well why don't we do what they did to him? He'll starve or die of hunger or thirst or go crazy and there's no way he'll get out!"
"I like that idea..." I nodded with a sadistic smile.
"Mind filling in the guy who's never watched the show?" Milo put in.

We explained. He agreed.

It took longer than expected but Velvet soon found himself dragged towards the ride Oblivion.
"I saw Mr. Virtue's funeral. That was a nice big fire he made. All he was really good for; starting stuff."
"And I'm good at finishing stuff." I informed him, winding my way through the paths to where Destiny, Milo and Wesson were waiting at the ride.
"That you are my dear, but there's one thing you won't be finishing. Shall I tell you?" He grinned, a final Trump up his sleave. "No actually, I'll wait until everyone's around..."
We then walked for a few minutes more while he hummed some kind of smug, pretentious Bad Guy song.

And then we arrived.

"Well hello gang-" Was all he managed to get out before Quin punched him hard across the jaw.
"That was for Jones, I take it?" He smiled, spitting a wod of blood.
"No, that was for me." He punched Velvet again. "That was for Virtue."

I then pushed my prisoner round so he stood at the edge of a very large drop. For those of you who don't know, Oblivion has a single drop which plummets into the ground and comes out again into the sunlight a little distance away. And the first step of the plan was to throw Velvet down there.

"Any last words?" I queried.
"Ah, yes, my time to shine! I did say I have something to say! Well, here goes-"
"Hurry up, or would you prefer to get hit again?" I urged with a growl, Milo cracking his knuckles threateningly behind me.
"Yes, of course." He began. "What I meant to say, is that I studied Destiny for a long time-"
"'Studied'?" Destiny practically scoffed. "Is that what you call torture now?"
"Studied." He repeated before proceeding. "To find how you were immortal. You all thought I'd failed, right? Nope! I know how-"
"Yeah and so do we!" I retorted. "He was experimented on as a baby by special scientists." I said, realising that sounded a lot more articulate and scientific in my head.
"No, you stupid girl! He was made like that! He has no parents! I lied to Jones. And he was a she. But I found out how they did it! I replicated the serums used and I used them on myself - after much rigorous testing on other people you may have met. You can try killing me as many times as you want. I'll just get bored! You can't kill me! I AM IMMORTAL!"
He was screaming in maniacal laughter by the end of his speech and I worried how Destiny would react to what he'd said. But I didn't have time to think; I had a job to do.
"That's exactly what we want..." I was about to push him over the edge when he pulled a gun into my face.

I didn't need to be told it was full of God Killers.

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