Chapter thirteen

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I would just like to say, for the record, that I don't open up to people. It just doesn't happen.
So when Exodus Thorn shot Destiny...
"You motherfucking dick!" I screamed, charging at him and taking him down in a flying leap.
My sudden movement had shocked him and I'd managed to catch him by surprise.
Limbs flew as I kicked and punched and bit and clawed. This did not, however, stop my nemesis from fighting back and I was suddenly whacked in the face with the butt of his pistol. Falling off him, I felt a hardcore trickle of blood poor into my eye but didn't have time to think about it as the gun was in my face again, this time pointed straight at me.
"This is the last time we'll talk Ace so, because I've known you for so many years and have grown to respect you as my archenemy, I will let you have a final wish - though that doesn't mean I'll carry whatever it is out."
Sitting up calmly and resting on my hands behind me, I asked "How did you find us?"
"When I was not able to find Destiny anywhere in Brighton, I figured he was with you. After going to your apartment and not finding either of you there, I went to ASDA - because I know you've got friends there - and who did I see, but you with Destiny. Alive and well. I then simply planted a tracker on your car and have been close behind you for miles. When you got to the service station, I simply removed the car and I followed you to the perfect spot to kill you both in; perfect light and all that."
"You're not going to get a chance to kill me." I spat.
"My dear," He cooed. "I already have one."
I heard a click above me as he prepared to shoot.
"Any last words?" He queried with a fiendish grin.
"Bite me, X."
And with that snarl of a response, I drew my gun tucked in the back of my trousers, kicked Exodus between the legs and shot him in the face as he lowered his gun in pain. He fell hard but was too dead to feel it.
Taking his gun, I checked the bullets. They really were God Killers. He wasn't lying.
I then pocketed them and looked deeply at him, figuring out what I should do with his body.
I didn't want to waste one of the God Killers on him; I was saving them for someone else. But I couldn't just leave him here, free to come after us again when he woke up. Especially after what he did to... No, I had to do something.

Picking up the olive duffel I'd dropped when attacking X, I pulled out a roll of ducktape. And let's just say that when I was done, the roll was empty.

And then there was a cough behind me...

Turning, I saw a pale Destiny with a bullet sat snug in the palm of his hand and an excited Lion bounding around him, trying to lick his face.
Running over, I skidded to a crouch beside him.
"You're alive!" I cried in disbelief.
"I told you," He groaned. "I'm immortal."
"But you were shot with a God Killers bullet." I retorted, still in shock.
"I'm no God." He smiled, joking.
I then dragged him into one of those hugs I very much hate and breathed "Please don't die again."

Pulling Des to his feet with a huff, I handed him the duffle - after checking he could handle it - and grabbed Exodus by the ducktape, dragging him back to his motorbike. It was a ice blue and white Triumph Tiger 500 parked quite a way off. I knew he had to have some form of transportation otherwise he wouldn't have been able to catch up as fast as he did.
Dumping the body beside it, I sighed and said "We can leave his body here so he knows we took his bike."
"Wait, we're taking the bike?" Destiny asked, marginally terrified.
"Yep. No need for a helmet either now I know for definite you really are immortal."
"That's doesn't exactly fill me with confidence." He frowned, pulling an unimpressed face. "Do you even know how to like... Drive it?"
"Sure! Well... No. But it's probably just like riding a bike."
"I can't ride a bike."

We managed not to crash during our journey - though came close several times with Lion sat awkwardly on Destiny's lap. When we got to the outskirts of the city though, I decided it was time to walk. It would be the only way to try and get to Velvet undetected.
"Can we find somewhere to eat?" Destiny queried as we ambled through the red light district, Lion panting happily at the mention of food. "I think there's a high street just round the next corner or so."
"Sure." I nodded. "And a pee break."
The high street was not there though. Instead was a maze of rubble leading to a gleaming white building as tall as the sky; Velvet's headquarters.

"Jesus!" I breathed. "What in the fuck... Was it like this when you escaped?"
"No," Destiny shook his head in disbelief. "This is new."
"Well we can't go under it..."
"We can't go over it. We have to go through it!" Destiny grinned.
Little shit.
"This is it then." He stated with a nervousness set behind his words I just couldn't shake. "The end of the line."
"No." I shook my head in response. "You're not making dramatic goodbye speeches on me. Because this isn't it. This is just another stepping stone in the road. I do need you take make me a promise though."
"Depends what you want." He agreed.
"If I get captured, don't come after me. I promise you, I can save myself. If you do try to save me though, don't do it alone. Go back to my friends, the squad, tell them if they help you, I'll owe them one." I told him, thinking out my words.
Destiny nodded again. "OK. But if I'm captured... I don't know. I didn't really think that far. Just imagine I said something really dramatic like you."
I smiled and told him with a shrug, starting off again, "It doesn't really matter what you tell me to do because I already know what I'll do."
"And that is?" He queried, watching Lion bound over the rubble.
"Save you're ass! What d'ya think I'd do?"
Des pulled a unknowing face and I could tell he thought I'd leave him. In all honesty though, I was likely to leave him. But not voluntarily. Chances are, I was going to die. I just wished I had some vodka to share my final moments with. Or maybe something a little stronger...

"Should we come up with a plan?" Destiny suddenly asked as we got steadily closer.
"Sure; don't die." I said simply.
"Well that's easy. What else?"
"Try and kill Velvet at all costs. If he goes down, maybe all the people under him will too. It's not much of a plan, but it's the closest we've got."
I then pulled the pistol from my thigh and, as Exodus Thorn had done before me, shot Destiny in the head.
"I'm sorry, Des." I tried but gave up knowing my apologies would count for nothing.
Turning to Lion, she whimpered softly and curled up next to Destiny. I didn't need to tell her to sit. To stay. To not follow me to my possible death.

Surveying the scene, I knew I was far enough away for Destiny not to be seen. I also knew that that meant I risked not making it to the building before he woke up. But that was a risk I guess I was willing to take.

The rubble closest to Velvet's HQ seemed to smoke and steam in wispy white tendrils above the orange of the building crumbled bellow. Above this, a pale blue sky shone down on the white building with its glass front and so many floors. If they didn't have elevators... I was screwed.

But then again, all things considered, I was pretty screwed anyway...

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