Chapter eight

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Destiny was a sleep talker. His words weren't even coherent, just tired mumbles of food and unicorns. When he woke up though, he wouldn't tell me what he'd been dreaming about.

After a bowl of cereal and a quick lesson on gun safety, we were moving on from the building I'd only ever shared with myself and Lion, me looking like a badass, Destiny looking like a nerd.

It wasn't long before we left the city streets and arrived on the main roads however, that things started to get difficult...

"I need to pee." Destiny moaned suddenly.
We'd been walking for a while, unable to use any vehicles due to their lack of fuel. Hills roamed either side of us and up ahead stood the mess of the once gleaming football stadium.
"Go behind a tree." I spat tiredly.
"What if someone sees me!" He protested.
"Have you seen anyone?"
Destiny's eyes skitted over the stadium.
"If anyone tries anything, I'm armed to the teeth. They're not going to get very far. And anyway, you've got a gun now too - even if you do get caught with your pants down."
Looking uncertain, he scuttled behind a twisted bare-leafed bush.
After a few moments came the wobbly demand of "Please don't listen."
"What d'you mean?" I frowned.
"I get stage fright." He whined.
"You're not on a stage, you're behind a bush. Chill!"
"Still... I can't do it if I... If I know you can hear me..." He trailed off.
"And what the fuck do you want me to do? Sing?" I huffed with a laugh.
Oh fuck. He did.
The next five minutes turned into my 1D karaoke session. Trust me though, it wasn't the Best Song Ever.
It was made even more embarrassing when, while singing, I was caught off guard by a Scavenger; one of the many rodent looking humans living in the stadium, feeding off people and ready to answer the very important question of ''What happens if you eat an immortal?''

Me and Destiny, who had been abruptly forced to stop his 'activities', were then taken to the grassy football fields of the stadium to meet our fate. I could have easily taken the guy if not for the gun he held to the back of my head.

Inside, there were many fires burning, casting sunset shadows across the walls. The floor had been trampled to a dark dusty mess, very few patches of grass shifting in the thick air.

Suddenly, I was pushed onto my knees with a huff and a groan before Destiny dropped next to me.
"If you wanted me on my knees, you could of just asked." I smirked.
That earned a blow to the back of the head and I grunted as my face hit the floor and I landed awkwardly on my bound hands.
"You'll speak when you're spoken to or you will never speak again." The one who'd taken us growled.


Everyone was gathering around us now, some gnawing on fleshy bones like mangy dogs, others cradling warm mystery meat broths.

"Listen," I started again, knowing this might be the last time I would get to talk before being turned into a manburger. "I'm a friend of Stitch's. I know he gives you organs and other body parts (food) sometimes in exchange for safe passage."
They either stared blankly or gave each other passing glances, a wave of mumbles flowing across the crowd as I spoke.
I was about to continue making my point when they all fell silent and their leader stepped though.

She was a woman with a body easily taller than mine which was ripped by muscles and had greasy brown hair pulled into tight plaits and braids. She wore a mess of tattered once black and white clothes which covered most of her body except her arms and parts of her legs and she had the smeared black eyeliner of a raccoon.

"I am Crimson Gacy. Many humans have fallen here and you may soon join them. You say you are a friend of Stitch. If this is true, then maybe we can cut a deal. What do you have to offer in return for safe passage?"
"Anything you want and more!" I cried, wobbling to my feet, mirroring her showmanship and flare for the dramatic. "My name is Ace and I am on a journey with the boy you see beside me. He is immortal and I am taking him to Velvet to kill him! I can offer you his head on a silver platter."
Crimson turned to him. "Boy, what is your name?"
"Destiny." He replied timidly, slowly rising up to join me.
"Destiny..." She nodded thoughtfully as if tasting the feel of it in her mouth before turning to me. "We shall gladly take this immortal off your hands. You are free to go-"
"Wait! No! Fuck... I meant Velvet! I can give you Velvet's head! The boy is with me to help kill Velvet! You can't have him!"
But it was too late. They were already dragging him off as he kicked and screamed and pleaded.
"We have no interest in getting involved in the affairs of Velvet. He leaves us alone and so we return the favor." Crimson informed me as hands grabbed my shoulders and arms in an effort to stop me running after my friend as I too began to struggle. "The boy on the other hand..."
And with a flick of her long trailing coat, she turned and disappeared back into to crowd.

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